Chapter Eleven: The Real Fight Begins

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The explosion sent me flying to the side. I was knocked in the same direction as Tony and Steve since I was standing near them.

"Morgan are you okay?" I hear Steve say.

I look up and he is only a few feet away from me, "yeah don't worry about me I'm good."

He nods his head and turns to Tony, "put on the suit!"

"Yep," Tony says and they both scramble up and run out the door.

I went to follow behind them but I heard a voice go through my mind.

"You need to watch your back mortal," Loki's voice said.

I stopped in my tracks, I knew I had to go see what this was about. It could cost me everything, but I wasn't just going to stand by and let Loki get his way. So I turned the corner and went to find where Loki was in his cage.

"Well well... I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away," he said with a smirk. He spoke as if he knew me, as if he knew I would never have been able to resist. 

"I just came to make sure you stay where you belong, in a cell," I replied, crossing my arms. I felt relieved to see he was still in the same spot. 

"Oh tsk tsk, I think you are smarter than that," Loki replied, the smirk still ever present on his face.

"What does that mean?" I asked him, I had no idea where he was going with this.

"I think you know as well as I do that this isn't the side you belong on, I've seen what Clint knows about you and where you came from, I know it's in your blood to be bad," Loki tried to reason, his voice calm as he spoke. I could feel his presence in my mind.

"Oh you are bad," he replied, I could feel him poking around in my memories. "But I can see your scared." 

"You don't know anything about me," I told him with disgust in my face. I turned to leave, I wasn't going to sit here and let him tease me. 

"Oh but I do," he said and then he disappeared from the cage and reappeared behind me.

"You will be mine, just like your friend," he told me. 

Then before I could move away his scepter was on my heart and my eyes clouded over and my thoughts were no longer connected to my actions.

Steve's POV

I ran after Tony to help him with the Helicarrier's engine. If we didn't get this done then this whole thing was going down and thousands of lives were in danger. I had just finished taking out two soldiers and was trying to take out the last one.

The last one was giving me a hard time and I couldn't quite get him. If I didn't hurry and get him there was no way I would be able to pull the lever for Stark. Even though he and I aren't exactly two peas in a pod we are still a team.

I felt my feet slip and I was falling for a second. I reached out and thankfully grabbed a cable wire that was cut loose. I was hanging on barely and then I heard Stark through the earpiece.

"Cap, I need the lever."

"I need a minute here!"

"Lever! Now!" Tony shouted back, his voice urgent. 

I knew he really needed my help and I pulled myself up and over the edge back onto the platform. The gunman opened fire again on me but I grabbed the lever before I took care of him. I see Tony come up in his suit and the gunman turns toward him. Tony takes him out easily.

I let out a sigh of relief. I need to check on Morgan. I know we haven't known each other long but I am really drawn to her. I think her and I could really have something, she really seems to be opening up to me. I haven't liked someone this much since Peggy. That really means something to me. She's strong like Peggy but has her own way about her that I really want to get to know.

"Morgan are you okay?" I asked, willing my thought her way.

I didn't get a response from her which really worried me. I needed to find her.

I ran all down the hallway and saw Loki trap Thor into the cage.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Loki asked his brother.

"The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?" Loki asked Thor.

I see Coulson step out, "move away please."

I decided this was my time to act. Before I could help Coulson, a beautiful brunette stepped in my way. She knocked me onto my back. I looked up and it was Morgan. I jumped back up on my feet.

"What are you doing?" I asked frantically, as I dodged one of her punches. She wasn't hesitating as she forced a piece of metal towards me. I was just able to put my shield fast enough. 

"Didn't Stark warn you? She was meant to be on this side," Loki chimed in, he was gloating. 

I ignored him as he focused his attention back on Coulson.

"Hit her on the head Cap! She's under his control! Look in her eyes and you'll see," Thor shouted my way.

She swung again, this time I caught her hand and twisted it. She let out a scream and I instantly let go. I don't know how I was going to do this.

Then before either of us could make another move I heard Coulson gasp and the Loki's scepter pierced through his chest.

"No!" Thor roared from the cell. I see Loki go to the control panel and drop Thor's cell.

While Morgan was distracted I took my chance, whispered a sorry, and knocked her out the quickest way possible.

She fell towards the ground and I caught her. I made eye contact with Coulson and he mouthed go. I gave him a worried look, he shook his head at me. I could tell he wanted me to get her out of here. I ran out of the room with Morgan in my arms.

Hopefully she would open her blue eyes again.

--A/N I know I changed the point of view in this chapter let me know what you think please :) As always votes and comments are always appreciated! If you like it please share with others :) --

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