Chapter Four: Hellicarrier

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After the awkward plane ride with Coulson we finally arrived at the Hellicarrier. I felt relieved as we landed, needing to have my own space. We all three walked out together and Natasha was already there waiting for us. I jogged up to her and gave her a huge hug. She felt a little stiff at first but then I could feel her hugging me back. She is one tough cookie to crack but over the years we have become like sisters to one another and she has even grown to like the hugs. At least I tell myself that.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, even though me and Clint are close their bond is just as tight if not tighter. "I know about Clint."

"Yeah, perfectly fine," she replied, face stone cold. If you didn't know her you would believe her. Even I almost did, but I know her better than that.

"Nat.." I started but before I could say anything else she waved me off with her hand and stepped forward to greet Steve.

"There was quite the buzz around here, finding you in the ice. I thought Coulson was going to swoon. Did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards?" She asked him, amusement all over his face. 

"Trading cards?" he asked, obviously not knowing what those were or why Coulson had some with him on it. 

"They're vintage, he's very proud," I told him with a smirk. "I thought Coulson would never stop drooling." 

I saw Natasha laugh a little at the comment, both of knowing exactly how Coulson could be. 

We turned and noticed, who I assume was Bruce Banner, walking around. He looked really confused and out of place here among the battle planes and weaponry. I think Steve noticed too and started walking towards Banner. He stuck his hand out and Banner shook his hand gratefully, glad to not wander around anymore. This guy seemed so calm, I have no idea how he could turn into that green rage monster.

"Oh yeah hi, they told me you would be coming," Banner said to Steve. He looked past Steve, at Natasha and I, giving a small nod of acknowledgement before turning his attention back to Steve.

"Word is you can find the cube," Steve stated.

"Is that the only word on me?"

"Only word I care about."

I kept watching as their attention shifted out to a group of soldier running in formation. I could still hear their conversation going. I didn't hear to much of what they were saying because Natasha started whispering to me.

"So they sent you after the scientist?" I asked her, still watching the two men closely. 

"They sent you after the super soldier?" she countered. "Besides I thought you quit." 

"We'll call it a leave of absence,  besides I was getting a little bored," I continued our banter, but she turned serious quickly. The playfulness gone. 

"Is there anyway you can find his mind Morgan? I know your telepathy is strong, can you trace it all?" she asked me in hushed tone.

"Nat you know I've already tried, his mind is muddled and that Loki guy has a tight grip on him," I explained, feeling ashamed that I couldn't even find him. 

She looked down and defeated, but only for a second. Her head popped back up and it was like nothing ever happened.

"Gentlemen you may want to take a step inside in a minute. It may get a little hard to breathe," she told them, brushing off the conversation we had. 

They both looked over the edge, I remember my first time on the Hellicarrier, I was around sixteen and still shaken up over what happened to me. It was one of the first things to make me smile since I was raised in that gang.

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