Chapter Fourteen: It's Time for a Showdown

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~A/N just a quick little Authors Note to say I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to read this. Votes and comments are always really appreciated! I try to take time and reply and always love to hear feedback. Also don't be shy and feel free to message me anything about this story or any of my other stories if you have questions!~

When we finally get to the destination, I instantly run to Natasha and give her a hug. She is stiff at first, which is always how she hugs, but then wraps one of her arms around me. I let out a sigh of relief as she gave in to the hug. 

"Sorry I thought you were a part of this," I tell her instantly, remembering how I accused her earlier. 

She shook her head, "don't worry about it Morgan."

Steve spoke up behind me, "it's time to go."

"Go where?" Natasha asked, looking between the two of us.

"I'll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?" Steve asked her. 

Then before she can answer Clint steps out of the bathroom. I hurry and run over to him and give him a big hug. He hugged me back tightly.

"I am so happy we got you back," I said as I hugged him tighter.

"Well your going to hurt me if you hug me any tighter Mo," he told me with a chuckle.

I stood up straight and punched him in the arm, "shut up, I know you missed me too."

He gave me a small grin and I knew even if he wasn't going to admit it he missed me too. I was like his little sister. He always looked out for me, ever since they found me many years ago.

"To answer your question from earlier I can fly a jet," Clint answered Steve who was still in the doorway.

"You got a suit?" Steve asked him.

"Yeah," he answered simply.

Steve grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to his side, "then suit up."

I saw Clint give us a weird glance before Steve and I left the room to put our own suits on. He already had his suit on but needed to finish putting on his other gear and I was still in sweats from after being in the hospital.

I went to my room and pulled out one of the all black leather cat suits that SHIELD issued me a couple years ago. I ran my fingers through my brown hair and let it naturally fall down my back. I zipped up my combat boots and stuffed a couple of knives in my side pockets. I can't fully depend on my powers because if I used to much to fast I would be completely drained.

I heard a knock on my door, I answered it and was expecting it be Steve but instead it was Clint. My face possibly held disappointment because he rolled his eyes, "Sorry if I wasn't who you were expecting."

"Oh that's okay, I'm sure he'll find me later anyways," I told Clint shrugging off his bad attitude. 

We walked down the hallway together, both all suited up. He had his quiver filled with arrows and his bow was in one hand.

"So are you going to tell me what that's all about Mo?" he asked me completely up front. Clint was not one to beat around the bush. This is him doing his big brother act on me. He has only done this once before when I was eighteen and one of the SHIELD computer guys was trying to hit on me, Clint quickly took care of it and I never heard from him again. Thank goodness too, the guy was a total creep. His name was Harry Osborne or something like that.

"Clint you don't have to do your scary big brother act on me, I really care for a Steve. Like a lot. More than anyone else before," I say, trying to explain my feelings to him. Even I didn't understand how deep they were, this was all new to me, but I knew this was a once in a lifetime feeling. I didn't want to risk it or loose him.

Clint gave me one quick look and nodded his head. It was his seal of approval. All though I knew I didn't need it, I wanted that from him. He was really important to my life and I didn't want to loose what little family I had. 

Soon we all met outside of the Hellicarrier and we walked toward the Quinjet. We were about to have total access when a young pilot stood in all of our ways. I must admit he had some balls.

"You are not authorized to be here..." he said, slowly trailing off.

Steve stuck his hand out, "Son.. just don't."

We all took our places in the jet. Clint and Natasha were seated up front and Steve and I were standing in the back together.

"I'm glad I'll have you beside me out there, even though I don't want you to get hurt," Steve's thought entered my mind through a brain message.

"I can say the same about you Captain," I sent back, as he looked my way I gave him a flirty smile, "If we make it out alive would you like to go for a cup of coffee and have a real date?"

"How about we go dancing instead? I haven't the right partner for a long time, but I think I've found someone again." 

"Can you two stop flirting through brain messages?" Clint asked from the front of the plane. I sent him a glare. 

"He knows about those? And us? There's an us?" Steve asked all again through a brain message.

"Of course he knows about brain messages, who do you think I first practiced with? Yes I told him about us, and there is most definitely an us, at least that's how I feel."

"There is most definitely an us," he finished off.

"See them," I hear Natasha say.

Clint turns the Quinjet towards the Stark Tower and aims the gun at Loki. He sends a blast from the scepter and hits the jet. I can feel it go out of control and hang on with all I can to whatever I can. I feel an arm wrap around me and it holds onto me tightly. I don't even have to look to know it's Steve.

I tumble and would've fallen if it wasn't for Steve's tight grip. The jet lands down roughly on the street and I am hoping everyone else is okay. Both Natasha and Clint seem to be fine and we all run out of the jet into New York City.

I instantly see all of the destruction and cover my mouth with my hand. I am in utter disbelief. How could someone unleash this on a bunch of innocent people?

I pull my knife out beside me and can see everyone else clenching on to their own weapons. I don't want to use my powers right away, but I will if I must.

"Let's kick some alien ass," I say to everyone.

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