Chapter One: Vacation's Over

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I walked towards the counter scanning the room for any signs of threat, force of habit. I checked my reflection in the mirror hanging by the bathrooms; my long brown hair was all tucked into a ponytail, not a piece out of place. My blue eyes had small bags under them, I tried so hard to cover them with concealer but I felt I could always see them there. My new job wasn't treating me well. Turns out 'highly skilled martial arts mutant' wasn't the best thing for a resume. Other than that my skills are limited. I barely finished middle school thanks to my past. SHIELD did their best to teach me the basics, but that is as far as my education went. I snapped out my thoughts and the smell of coffee calmed me slightly. As I gave the barista my coffee order I scanned it once more trying to find a familiar face. One I for sure wouldn't be able to mistake. Plus at 4:30 in the morning there weren't many people around. Then I saw him at an outside table waiting patiently. One eye scanning the room. Nick Fury. The agent of all agents waiting for me.

I wandered over to the area, the warm coffee in my hand giving me no comfort. I sat down across from him. I was trying to make sure my face came off strong and determined. I wasn't going to let him talk me into another mission. Not this time.

"Nice to see you again Agent Smith," he said, voice gruff and deep.

"You can call me Morgan, I'm not exactly an agent anymore Fury. I stopped 6 months ago," I told him, trying to be firm. I wanted him to know I meant business. 

"Well I'd say that's a pretty good vacation and it's time for you to come back," he stated bluntly. Fury was never one for wasting time.

I knew this wasn't going to be easy to turn him down. I was itching to be back in the field, to be where the action was. But, I knew it wasn't what was for the best. Not for me, not for the world. 

"I have a new job now Fury and you know that," I responded, sipping my coffee. I was trying to play it cool , let him know I didn't miss it. 

"Oh I hear being a janitor is a great paying job."

Ouch. That one hurt, I gave him one of my famous glares. I knew SHIELD took care of me as a child, as the best as they could anyways and I was grateful, but this had nothing to do with them.

"Listen Smith, we've been compromised," he told me, eye locked onto mine. I know this move, it's an intimidation tactic. I wasn't going to fall for it, not like last time. He roped me into the craziest mission I've ever experienced, even worse than what Clint and Natasha told me about Budapest.

"Ok and why does this concern me? You know what happened last time I was out on the field the whole mission ended in a terrible way, I can't do that again. My powers aren't going to be helpful if I can barely control them," I reminded him, trying to remain firm. "There are others out there." 

"Not like you Smith, besides this is more of a team effort," he replied, alluding to something bigger than me. 

"You have my attention," I replied as I crossed my arms. I wasn't going to seem too eager, he didn't need further satisfaction.

He leaned back in his chair, arms crossed now. "Besides, your friend Agent Barton? He's been taken, along with the tesseract."

Now he really had my attention. I sat up straight in my chair, fully alert. How could they let this happen? 

"How can I help?" I asked quickly. I didn't want to leave Barton out there alone. He was the closest thing I had to a brother. Natasha was like my sister and I knew she had to be out of her mind right now. The three of us were the closest thing to a family that I had, that I would ever have. 

"First of all your powers would be a great assistance. I know you blame yourself for what happened but he was a murderer and I know that weird promise you have but he deserved it more than anyone else and you know that. Move on already. Second you're great at talking people into things, you have a way with words, and there is a certain super soldier I need on board," he stated. I could tell her wasn't telling me the whole truth, I would have to wait until he was ready to release the rest of the information. There was no way he was going to tell me everything, Fury always had his secrets. Even though I could easily read his mind and gain access I promised him a long time ago I would never do that. I am not one for breaking promises. That is something I hold very close. I was a high ranked agent and he trusted me with a lot, but not everything. He then slid me several files, containing information about Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, and Tony Stark. I've already seen Natasha and Clint's.

"What are you calling this exactly? Earths Mightiest Hero's?" I scoffed looking over the papers carefully, lingering on the super soldier, the one he needed help convincing. 

"It's the Avenger Initiative. And I need you to be a part of it."

I know he means business, but what was he expecting from this? From me? For a bunch of strangers to come together and just blend together? As if we would all come together like a well oiled machine. But,I needed to do this, I need to help Clint. Even if I didn't want to be a part of this Boy Scout mission.

"Fine what do we do first?" I questioned, sliding the files back to Fury. I saw all that I needed to see. 

"Go collect your things from your apartment and meet me at this address in 30 minutes. We need to talk to the Captain."

Oh great. I would be helping with the spokesman of Boy Scouts. Don't get me wrong he was handsome, but I wasn't the kind of girl who could get along with this kind of guy. I have rough past. I was involved in a lot of bad things. I try not to let it affect who I am now, but somehow the past always finds its way to the present. Besides he was mister perfect and I was more of rebel, the only reason SHIELD hasn't fired me is because I basically grew up there. Plus I was a better ally than an enemy.

I hopped in my white Hyundai Sonata and drove off to my apartment as fast as I could and grabbed my duffel bag. I shoved a lot of my belongings inside. I scanned the rest of my shoe box of an apartment for anything else I needed. Let's just say I didn't have many pictures hanging around, not many trinkets. There was a single picture of me, Natasha, and Clint hanging in my living room though. I remember it was taken shortly after Budapest. I missed that mission and never got to go with them. So I made them take a picture with me to make up for it. They hated taking pictures, so I thought it was a good payback. After everything we've been through they loved me and I loved them. Like I said, only family I've ever had. The only people I have ever been able to trust.

I then walked down three flights of stairs, the damn elevator still hasn't been fixed. When I made it downstairs a black SUV was waiting for me and Fury was sitting on the inside.

"Are you ready for all this Morgan?" He asked, "I know you might be rusty from all those vacation days."

"Call me Agent Smith," I said with a smirk, "now let's go get the Captain."

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