Chapter Five: Germany

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When we arrived in Germany Steve and I exited the plane a mile off, not wanting to attract Loki's attention. We figured the best way to get him would be to catch him off guard.

We were hiding down by the bushes when Loki finished his long speech on why he should rule the world and have everyone kneel before him. Blah, blah, blah. This guy was really full of himself. Then before anything else could be done an old man stood up. Oh no.

"Not to men like you," the old man said. He stood strong and proud. I admired his braveness but I knew Loki would destroy him. I got up to move but felt a strong hand pull me back. His hand lingered on my waist before he started talking.

"Wait just one more second," Steve whispered beside me. I could feel his breath on my face, we were in close quarters trying to stay hidden. So much for me trying to keep my distance.

"But Loki's going to turn him to dust," I half whispered half shouted, itching to go out there. 

"Shh," he told me as he pointed for me to watch, "I have a shield, you wouldn't be able to stop the blast."

I rolled my eyes. He was right, my telekinesis was strong but not that strong yet. The power inside the Tesseract was something I've never seen before.

"There are no men like me," Loki said back to him. Arrogant son of a bitch.

"There are always men like you," the man retorted. There was no fear in his eyes as he stood up to him.

"Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example," Loki said as he pointed his scepter at the man.

"Steve go," I whispered, gripping his arm. He wasted no time and leaped in front of the blast. His shield protected both him and the man. I sighed in relief.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing," Steve stated.

Loki gave him a once over, "the soldier. The man out of time."

I stood up from our hiding spot, "He's not the one out of time."

I could feel someone trying to access my mind, I knew it was Loki. I tried prying through his but I felt the same mental block I felt trying to find Clint.

"So your the telepath I keep feeling trying to take my best man away," Loki said chuckling, looking almost impressed.

"Get out of my way and I'll be glad to leave you alone," I retorted, my voice even as I spoke. He only smirked as he stood his ground.

"Loki drop the weapon and stand down," I heard Natasha say over the jet speakers.

He shot a blast at the jet, I saw them swerve and it missed.

"I guess you don't play nice," I told Loki, before looking at the jet to make sure Nat was okay. 

"You okay Nat?" I asked her in her mind.

"I'm good, don't worry about me." 

"I could if you were on my side, I'm not much for mortals but you seem to be impressive," Loki added, pointing the scepter at me now. 

I watched as Steve moved towards me, the shield standing between Loki and I. 

Then, Steve threw his shield at Loki knocking him over for a moment. I got out a couple of knives and were ready to use them if need be. Since I'm on an advanced level with my telekinesis there are many abilities I can do with them. But, with that being said I can only use them for so long before I run out of energy. Sometimes it takes a half hour for me to use my abilities again. That's why I train so hard in hand to hand combat.

Steve and Loki were duking it out as I contemplated what I should do. Steve tried throwing the shield again but Loki swatted it away. Loki knocks Steve down and points the scepter at Steve, "Kneel."

Steve jumps and kicks Loki, "not today."

I forced the Shield towards Loki and knock his feet out from underneath him and sent it back Steve's way. He gives me a nod and heads back over towards Loki, who turns towards me sending a blast my way. I have to jump into the bushes to avoid it.

When I get back up he has Steve knocked back down.

I hear Natasha in the ear piece say, "this guys all over the place."

Then before I know it I hear ACDC music blasting over the speaker. I see a blast send Loki backwards. I walked over towards the famous Iron Man.

"Make your move reindeer games," he stated cockily.

Loki slowly shifted out of his metal helmet and held his hands up in surrender. A little to easily. I eyed him suspiciously before paying attention to Tony and Steve.

"Mr. Stark."


"Agent," I stated sarcastically.

They both gave me a funny look and I held my hands up, "what? Someone had to break the tension."

I followed behind them as we got into the jet, this was going to be a long ride.

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