Chapter Eight: Sparks Fly

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I landed hard on the mat for what seemed like the millionth time. Steve was really good at this. I blew a strand of hair out of my face and looked up at him. He seemed perfectly poised and not a bead of sweat on his face. While I could barely catch my breath.

I got to my feet, still trying to regain my breathe. 

"You're lucky the rule was no powers," I managed to get out between breaths, "otherwise I would be kicking your ass."

He gave a chuckle, "don't be so hard on yourself. You're actually not doing bad."

"Oh flattery won't get you anywhere, I'm sorry I'm not the best sparring partner. If you want a challenge I would ask Natasha," I replied before I could stop myself. 

"Not really my type ma'am," he said taking me off guard.

"Oh and I am?" I asked raising my eyebrow in disbelief.

He blushed a little at my forwardness, "I think so. If you'd let me."

I only stared at him for a moment. But, I let the moment pass, putting my fist up once more to signal the spar. I watched as he looked at me for a moment, as if he wanted to say more. But, he put his hands up ready to start, not saying another word. 

I swung, but he dodged it snagging my hand and twirling me around. I felt the world spin as I was positioned in his arms. I grabbed his arm, slinging him over. It took everything in me to get him on his back, I looked down and saw surprise all over his face. 

He didn't stay down long and was up and ready to fight once more, I dodged one of his hits. I had told him not to take it easy on me, that I was here to learn. But, I knew he would never go full throttle on this. 

I went in trying to tackle him to the ground, realizing he would only block every one of my hits. I caught him off guard once more, but he maneuvered himself and we were falling to the mat. 

We both landed with a thud, he was hovering over top of me. The two of us were so close to one another, I could have kissed him if I wanted. 

His sharp blue eyes pierced into mine, the room was silent. I felt like we stayed this way for ever, the world around us stopping. 

"You don't let people in," Steve said at once, almost at a whisper. I could tell he wanted in, to crack the code.

"No, I don't," I replied, still unable to move. I felt like a statue as neither of us dared to move. "It's easier that way." 

I could feel myself letting one of the walls down. He made so easy, too damn easy. Everything about him screamed for me to tell him it all. I couldn't explain what it was, there was something here. Something I couldn't fathom. 

But, I finally moved out from under him, sitting on the mat. I could feel his eyes on me as I sat down. 

I patted the spot beside me, "take a seat with me for a moment."

He sat down beside me and stared intently at me, his blue eyes full of compassion and honesty. No wonder he is Captain America.

"Do you honestly think you want to get to know me? Have you even met me?" I asked seriously, knowing I should be the opposite of what he wants. 

"Well I think if you gave me a chance you would see that being different isn't necessarily a bad thing. Besides I think we have more in common than you think," he replied, and the words almost soothed me. 

What the hell has happened to me?

"Then if you want to get to know me, you should hear about my deep dark scary past," I say to him. I knew this would be a deal breaker. He is the man of right and wrong, he was always on the right side. Unluckily for me I ended up on the wrong side.

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