Chapter Two: Meeting the Captain

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I walked into the gym and it had the nasty sweat shop smell, one that was undeniable as I entered the room. I could hear the continuous sound of punching against the hard punching bag. In the middle of the room, where the sound was coming from, was a tall muscular man. As I watched him I could tell he was in his own world, beating away at the bag. His focus didn't break even as Fury and I came into the room. We sat back for a moment letting him finish his work. He kept punching harder and harder and I watched in amazement as the punching bag flew off the handle, some of its contents falling all over the world.

He turned towards both of us looking at us for a moment, I watched as his eyes lingered on me for a moment, before he bent back down and set up another punching bag. As if he was going to let us break his streak. He hit it for second before Fury decided to speak up.

"Trouble sleeping?" Fury asked, sounding slightly amused at his own joke. 

He shook his head a little, not a blonde hair coming out of place, "I've slept for seventy years sir. I think I've had my fill."

I decided this would be my moment to speak up, "well then you should be out celebrating, seeing the world. My names Morgan Smith by the way, we haven't formally met."

I stuck my hand out for him to shake, which he accepted. His hand reached for mine and he had nice soft hands but they were firm. I could feel an instant spark as our hands met, but I ignored it. I must have been imagining things. I was not someone who had feelings. It went against everything ingrained in me. 

"Steve Rogers," he stated before letting go of my hand, "nice to meet you ma'am."

He then looked at Fury, "I went under, the world was at war, I wake up and they say we won. They didn't say what we lost."

His face was easy to read and I could tell there was great loss regarding the war for him. Anyone could see that. It didn't take a mind reader. 

"We've made some mistakes along the way, some very recently," Fury continued.

"You here with a mission sir?" Steve questioned, not beating around the bush. 

"I am."

"Trying to get me back into the world?"

"Trying to save it," I told him seriously. We could really use his help. I've seen his file and he would make a great asset to this team Fury is trying to put together. They all would. But, we needed someone who had direction. Someone who could lead. 

I then started to go into the details about what was going on, explaining everything that I could.  

"Its Hydra's secret weapon. Howard Stark fished that out of the ocean when he was looking for you. He thought what we think; the Tesseract could be the key to unlimited sustainable power."

"That is something the world sorely needs," Fury added.

"Who took it from you?" Steve asked. I could tell we really had his attention now.

"He's called Loki," Fury answered him, "he's not from around here. There's a lot we'll have to bring you up to speed on if you're in. The world has gotten even stranger than you already know."

Steve gave him a skeptical look, "At this point, I doubt anything would surprise me."

"Ten bucks says you're wrong," I said before I could stop myself. 

They both gave me a look and I chuckled awkwardly, "what? There's a lot of weird stuff going on."

Fury rolled his one eye at me, "there is a debriefing packet waiting for you back in your apartment."

As Steve started walking towards the exit I called out after him, "is there anything we should know about the Tesseract?"

"You should have left it in the ocean."

After he left the gym Fury turned towards me, "Now I need you Agent Smith to follow him to his apartment and pick him up from there and take him to the plane that will then take you to the Hellicarrier."

"How do you know he agreed?" I asked him skeptically, that didn't seem like a yes to me. 

"Oh he agreed," Fury responded simply, as if this were the most simple thing to see. 

"And where will you be going?" I asked him, raising my eyebrow. 

"That is classified Agent."

Then with that last sentence he turned and walked out leaving me to babysit the Captain.

~~Authors Note: Thank you so much to those who are reading this, I know the chapters are some what small, but I'm trying to make them close to the scenes of the movies! Please leave any feedback that you have. It is all appreciated :)~~

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