Chapter Nine: Investigation

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We were all still in the lab and the fighting wasn't  cooling down any time soon. I could tell Steve didn't like Tony hacking into anything just as much as I didn't like it. He and Tony kept going back and forth and there was nothing holding either one back.

"Following isn't really my style," Tony told Steve, after he told him they should all just stick to following the orders they were given. But, Tony was not going to back down. 

"And you're all about style, aren't you?" Steve shot back with a sarcastic smile spread across his face.

"Of the people in this room, which one is A. wearing a spangly outfit, and B. not of use?" Tony said, looking smug at his own joke. 

"Well which one of us here is A. a complete asshole or B. just simply hard to be around?" I fired at Tony.

He gave me a cold hard stare. He opened his mouth to say something back but Bruce interrupted before Tony could say anything to me.

"Steve, Morgan, tell me none of this smells a little funky to you?" 

We both exchanged a look considering the possibilities. Neither of us wanted to think SHIELD was capable of what they're being accused of. I didn't want to admit that to them though. 

"Just find the cube," Steve said as he exited the room.

"Hey why don't you follow your boyfriend sweety?" Tony asked me. I could feel my cheeks heat up and my fists were clenched at my side. 

I gave him a glare, "not my boyfriend."

I quickly rushed out of the room and ran down the hall to catch up with Steve. He was walking really fast. I didn't want to shout and attract attention to myself so I sent him what I call a "brain message." I know it sounds lame but hey, we can't all come up with witty names. 

"Steve wait up!"

I saw him stop dead in his tracks and look around for a moment. He turned around and saw me running up behind him. 

"Was that you?"

I gave him a small smile, "yeah sorry I don't like entering people's minds unless I have to, but I was trying to get you to slow down and I didn't want to shout and alert everyone."

He nodded his head, and a smile was present on his face.

"What?" I asked him, feeling confused. 

"Nothing, that's just neat," he replied simply. "I don't mind you doing that, I think it's good for covert. Just no snooping around in my mind, ok?" 

"No worries there," I assured him, still shocked over how he was impressed with my little trick. 

He grabbed my hand, "do you want to do some digging with me?"

"I would love too."

He lead the way down to a hallway I didn't know even existed. I went to open the door and it wouldn't even budge. I tried my best to force them apart, but they still would not come loose. I really needed to practice more, those six months off made me rusty. 

"What should we do now?" I asked him.

"Move out of the way," he said, and I stood aside. Gesturing towards the door.

"Be my guest," I said sarcastically. 

He grabbed the door and heaved it open. Wow. I just stared for a moment and couldn't move. How in the world did he do that with his bare hands?

"Well I stand corrected," I replied, still amazed as how could force the doors apart like that. 

He turned around back at me, "are you coming?"

I snapped back to attention and could feel my face flush, "uh yeah of course."

I looked up and I could tell we would need to get over the railing. I teleported up there and he jumped over it with ease. Maybe we didn't make such a bad team.

"Alright Steve, we want to stay really low key here. If you want to speak to me, think whatever is you want to say and will it towards me. It's a lot easier than it sounds," I sent him through a brain message.

"Like this?" he thought back.

"Exactly like that."

"Ok let's split up, if you sense any signs of danger alert me and I'll help you okay?" he thought my way.

"This isn't my first covert mission," I thought back his way, giving him a wink before I went in my own direction.

I was looking all around and I wasn't finding anything. Maybe Stark was just paranoid.

"Morgan you're going to need to come look at this," Steve's thought entered my brain.

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