Chapter Twelve: Life Story Comes Out

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Morgan's POV
I woke up in a haze and frantically looked around the room. I tried getting up and noticed my hands were restrained beside me. What the hell?

I tried using my telekinesis on it but nothing was working. From there I just kept jiggling it, trying anything to break free. Then Steve walked in, his face held a small smile and I couldn't help but relax and smile back.

I look down in embarrassment, remembering that I was restrained down, "why do they have me locked down like this?"

"You don't remember?" he asked me.

I scrunched  my eyebrows in confusion. I tried thinking really hard about what had happened to me, then everything came rushing back. I couldn't breathe, how could I have let that happen?

"Steve I am so sorry," I told him quickly, recalling that I tried taking him out. Well I didn't Loki did but with my body, "I can't even imagine what  you think of me right now."

He lifted my head with his hand gently, "I think someone else was in your brain and you weren't being you."

I smiled a little, "so you aren't mad at me? I bet everyone else is thinking that I am nothing more than an evil monster." My smile had vanished at that point. They all probably don't trust me and actually believe all the things Tony said about me earlier.

"No one thinks you're evil, trust me. I know that you're good, no matter what happened in your past. Do you want to talk about it now? We never got to finish that conversation," Steve said to me. As I thought about where to start he unlocked my restrained hand and let me have a moment.

"Well when I was a little girl I was taken from my parents. Though it wasn't much of a downgrade. They didn't seem to care much for me, only the drugs they were on. When I was around eleven I killed a man," I started, "I didn't want to but, th-they made me do it. So I did. I should've tried harder but they told me he was bad and was going to kill me and find my parents and kill them, I was doing what I thought was right."

At this point there were tears streaming down my face, "Then they injected me with serums, like they had been for the past year or so. Well the very last time they injected me, the time right before Clint and the rest of  SHIELD rescued me, it worked. That's where my powers came from, a bottle. After they rescued me from that hell hole I stayed here with all of them. Clint became like a big brother to me and he always looked out for me," I kept going and the whole time Steve held tightly to my hands never looking angry, "As soon as I was all recovered physically I started training to become an agent. They helped me with my powers and how to control them and unlock new aspects within my powers. Then when I was seventeen I started doing field work for SHIELD, and from the very start I swore I would never kill anyone again. Ever. I didn't care if they deserved it or not, that wasn't going to be my call to make. But, it's not like the missions SHIELD sent me on were innocent, I've done dark things for them too. Then, almost seven months ago, I killed someone. It wasn't even an accident, he cornered me and I was scared, I didn't know what to do. He threatened everyone I loved... and then I realized who the man was. It was the one who kidnapped me all those years ago,  the one who made me kill that man, the one who held me down and watched me scream as they injected me all while smiling. So I shot him. I snatched his gun out of his hands with my telekinesis and just pulled the trigger."

Steve just looked at me, "Morgan it's okay, I completely understand."

I snatched my hand away, "no you don't. The bad thing is I had no remorse over it, I just watched as he fell down and my heart didn't feel a slight bit of sympathy. That's why I left SHIELD, among other things is.  I don't deserve to be on this team and I definitely don't deserve to have you," I finished, looking down. I couldn't meet his eyes because I knew I would see disappoint or even fear in them.

He pulled my chin up with his finger, making my eyes meet his. There wasn't any sign of disappointment or fear, only kindness and forgiveness.

"I don't think you understand how much I understand you. I think you should cut yourself some slack, I know men who have killed for less than what that man has done not only to you but to others, I think you're just as much of a hero as any of us are."

My eyes started filling with tears all over again, "you don't think I'm a monster?"

"Not even the smallest bit, ma'am."

I smiled slightly at that, he hesitantly cupped my cheek and moved a strand of hair out of my face.



"Just kiss me already."

He nodded and closed the gap between us. It was like sparks were flying and the whole world seized to exist. I think I finally found someone to accept me for me, even the damaged parts. Someone to understand and hold me when I need them.

There was a knock at the door and we both pulled away. Tony stuck his head in the doorway, "hey I ship it and everything but Fury needs to talk to all of us."

We both blushed and got up, "ship it? What in the world does that mean?"

I laughed as we both walked down the hallway, "I'll explain it later."

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