Chapter Three: Coulson Fangirls

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There was a black SHIELD vehicle waiting outside for me to use. I hopped into the driver seat and typed in Steve's address, the one Fury slipped me before leaving. I followed the directions and waited patiently outside. I opened my phone hoping to see any news on Clint. There were none and I shut my phone in frustration. Why does this have to happen to him? Of all people? The passenger side door opened taking me away from my thoughts. I gave him a small smile as he climbed into the car.

 "Ready?" I asked, more for myself. I wasn't sure if I was ready to hop back into all of this. 

"As I'll ever be," he replied, staring straight ahead.

I looked ahead and drove to the airplane base where they would be picking us up and taking us to the hellicarrier. When we got there, there were two Shield Agents waiting outside for security and asked to see our badges. I showed them my level 6 agent badge and told them Steve was with me. Apparently neither recognized that he was Captain America.

We both went to walk onto the plane at the same time. This made Steve thrust his hands out motioning for me to go first. I walked ahead of him and Agent Coulson greeted me when I boarded.

"Well if it isn't my favorite trouble maker," he said pulling me into a hug.

I gave him a huge grin, "I must say your hair has gotten grayer since the last time I saw you."

He gave me a glare, and then noticed the man behind me. I saw his face change from an evil glare to an absolutely star struck one.

"There is a little bit of drool running down your chin," I whispered in his ear as I walked past him, finding my seat.

He sent me another glare before walking over to the pilot. Steve sat across from me and was looking over a couple of the files he was handed earlier. I tensed as he was onto my own next, although I knew everything wasn't in there. 

I was tempted to read his mind, to know what he thought of all of this. Especially of my own file, but I resisted the urge. Not wanting to break the trust of someone I would have to be on a team with. 

I let out a breathe of relief as he moved onto the next file, Bruce Banner. 

"So this Dr. Banner was trying to replicate the serum they used on me?" Steve questioned, looking up from the folder.

I was about to answer him until Coulson butted in, "A lot of people were. You were the world's first superhero. Banner though gamma radiation was the key to unlocking the original formula."

Steve then again looked at the file in front of him, the video of the Hulk playing on it.

"It didn't really go his way did it?" Steve asked.

"Not so much," I butted in, referencing the other guy. 

"When he's not that thing the guy is a Stephen Hawkings," Coulson said.

Steve looked slightly confused by this. I leaned slightly towards him, "That means he's really smart."

Steve sent me a grateful smile. Before he could say anything else Coulson started drooling over him again.

"I have got to say it's an honor to meet you, officially. I mean I sort of met you, I mean I watched you while you were sleeping. Well I mean I was present while you were unconscious," he finished.

Steve got up and started walking towards the front of the plane, obviously a little freaked out over Coulson's weird introduction. Coulson turned and looked at me and I gave him a thumbs and mouthed, "smooth."

He rolled his eyes and walked towards the front with Steve, I followed behind him. I didn't want to be left out. I hated being left out of anything no matter how small.

"You know it's just a huge honor to have you on board," Coulson said, trying to make up for what he said earlier. I could tell he was nervous talking to the super soldier. His inner geek not being able to stay contained. 

"Well I hope I'm the man for  the job," Steve said, sounding really unsure. 

"Oh you are, absolutely," Coulson reassured him.

"I think we need could all use a freedom fighter," I added, assuring him that he was needed for this. Just as much as the rest of us. 

I watched as Steve nodded, a small smile crept onto his face, as if this was the assurance he needed. Maybe the last push to know he was doing the right thing. 

"They made some of uh modifications to the uniform," Coulson started talking again, "I had some input in it."

Steve had another unsure look on his face, "Aren't the stars and stripes a little old fashioned?"

I decided it was my turn to talk now, "With everything going on right now, that might be what what we all need."

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