1 | ʀɪᴠᴀʟʀʏ

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•𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑒 5, 2021•

My feet pounded on the road as I chased after my dog, Sparky.

"Sparky, stop!" I shouted.

He didn't listen. I desperately tried to grab his leash, but he was so fast.

"Damn it, Sparky!" I groaned.

It was almost like he enjoyed me struggling to catch up. Asshole. He suddenly ran onto a field that I hated with all my heart, the sandlot. Ugh, I need to get him though or my mom's gonna kill me! I sighed and just ran onto the field.

Everyone's eyes darted to me, but I just kept running. Sparky stopped right in front of my biggest rival, Benny. Ugh, I hate him. Benny immediately started petting his ears while Sparky jumped all over him. A huff escaped my mouth as I grabbed Sparky's leash.

"Get away from my dog, Rodriguez," I grumbled.

He smirked. "It seems like he likes me more than you."

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up. Come on, boy."

I started gently pulling Sparky away from Benny, but he started whining.

"What is it?"

Sparky jumped onto Benny again and started wagging his tail happily.

A big grin spread across Benny's face. "Told you."

"I'm gonna murder you Rodriguez if you don't shut your damn mouth." I snarled.

He shrugged. "You say that all the time and have you done it yet? No, you haven't."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Whatever. Let's go, Sparky."

He was still refusing. I stomped my foot on the ground. "Let's go you stupid dog!"

Benny's eyes widened. "Woah, Woah, Woah! Calm down! Don't talk to him like that!"

"It's my dog, dummy. I can talk to him however I want."

Benny huffed while shaking his head. "That's not an excuse."

"Oh, my gosh!" I shouted. "Can you just let me be for one damn second?!"

He threw his hands up in defense. "Okay, okay, okay, I am."

I gripped onto his leash harder. "Come on."

Finally, he listened. I tugged him out of there and glared at the rest of Benny's friends. No wonder why Jordan calls them rejects, they're hopeless.

"Peterson, wait." Benny's voice called out.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around. "What?"

I saw that he had a water bottle in his hand. Before I could react, he splashed it right onto my face. I gasped and heard laughter erupt from everyone, except Scotty. He was way too sweet to laugh.

"What the hell?!" I shouted.

Benny laughed. "That's what's gonna happen to you tomorrow when you lose!"

I glared at him. "We aren't gonna lose, that's all you, buddy."

"Oh, wow, I'm so scared." He shivered sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and wiped the water off of my face while groaning lightly. I then walked out of there and heard their laughs echo away. Sparky walked happily beside me as I continued wiping water off of myself.

"He's such an asshole, Sparky." I sighed. "Don't get involved with him."

Sparky just licked his nose and panted lightly. I nodded up once. "Good. Thanks for agreeing."

I chuckled lightly at myself. I love talking to Sparky. Yeah, he's a dog, but who doesn't talk to their pets?

"Hey, babe." I felt Phillips's arm swoop around my shoulders.

"Hey..." I mumbled.

He groaned. "Ew, why are you so wet?"

I glared at him. "Benny soaked me with water."

He suddenly burst out laughing. "Really?! Oh, that's hilarious!"

"No, it's not!" I smacked his arm.

He nodded. "Yeah, it is!"

I grunted. "You aren't even mad at him?!"

He just kept laughing while clutching his arms around his stomach. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"Wait, wait, wait." He caught up to me. "Sorry, I shouldn't have laughed."

"It's fine."

He snickered. "It's still pretty funny though."

I punched his arm. "Ugh, damn it, Jordan!"

He grunted and stared at me. "Watch it!"

I sent him a sarcastic smile and trudged away from him. My sensor started beeping and I knew I had to get home quickly if I didn't wanna pass out. I hate diabetes.

"Woah, Woah, Woah," Jordan quickly stopped me. "What's the rush?"

"I gotta get home," I mumbled, pushing his hand off of my shoulder.

"Why?" He kept pestering.

I rolled my eyes. "I wanna change out of these clothes and I gotta feed Sparky."

I had never actually told Jordan about my diabetes. Somehow, he never found out. Only my family knew.

He huffed. "Fine, but you better be at the game tomorrow."

"I will." I smirked. "Anything to beat Benny's ass."

He chuckled mischievously. "Definitely."

"See you tomorrow." I waved at him.

He kissed my cheek before running off. I sighed and saw my house finally come into view. Sparky ran inside and I filled up his bowl with food.

I then walked up to my room and quickly changed before grabbing my secret stash of candy. I ate some and sighed with relief. It's not like I was gonna die or anything, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

The tinkling of Sparky's collar echoed up the stairs as he pushed my door open with his nose. I smiled and started patting my bed with my hand.

"Come here, Sparky!" I looked at him. "Come here, boy!"

His tongue hung out of his mouth happily as he quickly hopped on my bed. I rubbed his ears as he started licking my face. I giggled lightly and kissed his head.

"Sorry for being mean earlier." I sighed. "That Benny kid pisses me off."

Sparky just licked his nose and nuzzled his face on my legs. I petted him lightly and switched on my tv.

"What should we watch?" I mumbled quietly to Sparky.

He rolled on his side and I laughed. "Stand By Me it is."

I switched it on and rested my head back on my pillow. Hopefully, we win tomorrow.


author's note:
hiiiii! this is a remake of my first book, but I think it's a lot better lol. it's not perfect, but this is just for fun! :) I added the diabetes part because my dad has it, so I know some things about it. of course, it's not to make fun of anyone with it, kinda just to spread awareness! if I get some things wrong about it, I'm sorry! I'm not an expert😅 stay gold!


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