9 | ᴊᴀsᴍɪɴᴇ

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•𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑒 16, 2021•

I held my head in my hands as I sighed with boredom. The rain outside would not stop pouring down and there was a tornado watch, so Benny didn't want me leaving the house.

"Did you text your dad?" He suddenly piped up.

I nodded slowly. "Yeah. He's at work so he can't help me."

"I'm sorry." He sighed. "I know I'm not the most entertaining person in the world."

"No, it's not your fault." I reassured. "It's just because of this dumb rain. I just wanna go play baseball."

"Mhm." He hummed while nodding.

We kept sitting there and I heard Sparky's stomach grumble softly.

"Oh, buddy," I pouted. "You hungry?"

He whimpered lightly and I scratched his head.

"Do you have anything that Sparky can eat?" I asked.

Benny's shoulders shrugged. "Um, I'm not sure. Let's go check."

I followed him downstairs and we heard clattering in the kitchen. His eyebrows raised in suspicion as we entered the kitchen. Sitting on the floor was a little girl that looked a lot like him.

"Oh, hi, Benny!" She smiled.

Benny chuckled nervously at me. "Um, this is my little sister, Jasmine."

She gasped when she saw me. "Wow! You look like a princess!"

I laughed lightly. "Oh, thank you."

She sprung up from the floor and just kept staring at me. Benny sighed softly while shaking his head.

"Jasmine, give her some air to breathe." He lightly pulled her away from me.

"No!" She whined while slapping his hand away.

"Aye!" He winced. "Jasmine!"

She gasped. "Sorry! Um, d-don't get mad!"

He rolled his eyes while he shook his head. She scrambled to get something and stuffed an Oreo in Benny's mouth.

"There! You can't get mad now!" She smiled.

He hummed lightly. "Thanks..."

She squealed happily as she grabbed my hand. I yelped as she yanked me to the ground.

"What's your name?" She asked.


She smiled again. "Emmy! Benny never shuts up about you!"

"Oh?" I smirked at Benny.

"Um, that's not true." He chuckled nervously.

"He's just embarrassed." She grumbled.

He huffed but didn't protest with her. I chuckled lightly and watched her pop another Oreo into her mouth.

"Here." She placed one in my hand.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Want one, Ben?" She asked.

He shook his head while sitting next to her. "No, and you shouldn't be eating all of them. Mom isn't gonna like that."

She sighed. "You're right."

She then stood up and placed them back in the pantry. A loud crash of lightning shook the house, causing a scream of fear to leave Jasmine's mouth. She clung to Benny while she shook in fear.

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