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Fingers fumbled as buttons were sliding through their partnering slits, closing up the crisp white shirt, the pocket graced with the schools logo, the deep blue looking brighter against the beige blazer that was pulled on, the side of the trim barely allowing the logo to show.

Wooyoung stared at himself in the mirror, bleached blonde hair, dark roots peaking out from the growth of the whispy locks, laid gelled back, only a few strands rubbed the forehead that now accented a wrinkle as brows began to furrow.

Today was the day.

Wooyoung had very much enjoyed his time cooped up in his room with nothing but his thoughts, but in his heart he knew he was ready to be pushed out of that comfort zone.

He wanted to experience the thrill of starting something that he didn't know the ending to.

His first class of the day was English, a class he relatively liked seeing as though escaping through a good book was something he wrote down as a hobby.

He managed to grab everything he needed, closing and locking the door behind him as he set out, looking for his building.

"Okay, but if a girl was to sneak into campus, you can't tell me that you wouldn't try to keep her in your room..." a voice resonated close to Wooyoung, the boy shifting his eyes to the right, noticing the group of three.

"And risk being expelled?! No thank you.." one of the others said, scoffing but ending with a slight chuckle.

"Come on... a guy can dream, all I need in life is a pretty little thing sitting on my lap, me fucking into her while her tits bounced right in my face.. nghhh."

"You disgusting pig! We're in public!" A book flew in the air, aiming for the one still daydreaming when it slipped past his head and landed at the feet of a one curious blonde.

"Shit.. sorry!" Wooyoung looked over as he noticed a boy running towards him.

The boy also had bleached blonde hair, nearly white, and small freckles that littered his nose.

"You okay mate?" He asked, leaning down to pick up the book.

"Oh um yeah, just fine..." Wooyoung deadpanned, the other giving him an eye crinkling smile.

"My names Felix, and over there is Hyunjin and Jisung." He motioned back as the others waved, moving their way.

"Wooyoung." Was his short response.

The boy was never good at making friends, in all honesty he never understood why you needed them.

But he had to push those thoughts aside, he was ready to change for the better.

"Where you heading?" The one he assumed was Hyunjin asked.

"English with..." he opened up his paper, "a Mr. Jeon."

"So do we! We can all walk together!" Felix offered. Wooyoung smiled.

As they were walking to their building, Wooyoung couldn't help but notice a boy that walked by, piercings in each ear and hair dyed a vibrant blue, but what caught him even more off guard was his black uniform.

"Hey.." the blonde turned to the group of friends, they hummed as he took another peek, "what rank has the color black?"

The question even stumped the trio as they shrugged, it was a first for them as well, never once noticing anyone else with that color of uniform.

It wasn't long before they made it to class, walking up to find seats, and to their surprise, a group of four students sat at the very top, one having his legs draped over the seat in front of him.

All dressed in black.

A figure on the side noticed their staring as he made his way over, dressed in deep green.

"Obsidian." The boys looked over to the new presence, curiosities filling their expression.

"The fifth rank in our school.."

"So there are five?" Wooyoung asked, the boy chuckled.

"Technically you can only choose four out of the five ranks, but Obsidian is excluded from that." Felix looked at the other blonde, both sharing stares as the boy continued, "you can choose between Navy, Scarlett, Emerald, or Royal.... but Obsidian..." he drew closer.

"Obsidian... they have to choose you."

OBSIDIAN // WOOSANWhere stories live. Discover now