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please enjoy some soft
friendship moments from your
favorite quartet

also this is just a filler chapter

just wanted to get something
out for you guys


Wooyoung had slung himself on his bed, finger tips running over the swelling marks given to him just hours ago, his collar thrown across the room in some corner. Felix had tried to call several times, but Wooyoung didn't know what to say, and he sure as hell didn't want to hear any sympathy.

He was letting himself indulge into the peacefulness that was his walls--the ones that had nearly been knocked down by the trio he had been trying to avoid.

He had felt it once before, long ago, the slow and torturous blanket of darkness that was being pulled over him. The numbing and aching craving to just feel--feel something--anything, other than the cold loneliness that was sure to follow.

And as if his thoughts were connected by a thread, a series of knocks echoed behind his door, along with loud whispers and giggles, the allusive darkness dissipating by the growing smile of understanding.

His friends had came.

Wooyoung opened the door, allowing the three boys, each with bags of snacks tucked into their hands, to step in, Felix being the last to enter.

"You've been avoiding us.." Felix accused, his eyes twinkling with a sense of worry and relief. 

"No.. I jus--" the blonde was cut off by a soft cookie, crumbs spilling off the side of his lips as it started to crumble from the impact, both Jisung and Hyunjin giggling in the background at the scene.

"Yes. You have." Felix allowed a smile to be plastered over his own face, his knuckles lightly hitting the other's shoulder as his grin grew in size, "and we won't allow it."

It was something special really. The idea of friendship.

Wooyoung was outed by the boy he once considered nearly a brother when he was only eleven, taking his family by shock, especially seeing as the small town was excessively conservative and considered anything outside of their realm of beliefs to be a sin.

It was after that incident that a string of betrayals and pain followed, causing the blonde to shut people out of his life.

He was always okay with being alone. It never scared him.

But he had started to care greatly for the group of friends he had acquired, and a pang of pain, far below the surface of his thoughts, had him realizing that he would indeed feel true fear if one day those three shining faces ceased to exist.

"How have you been feeling?" Oh the dreaded question, making the blonde's insides curl at the thought.

"Been fine." Though he could already tell that the others could see straight through that lie.

"I heard.. um," Hyunjin looked at Felix and Jisung as they both nodded, encouraging him to speak his concerns, "I heard that San forced himself on you in the library."

'Yeonjun.' Wooyoung inwardly cursed the boys name, of course he would run off and tell his friends.

"I guess you could say that... didn't go farther than kissing though." He made sure to inform them of that important detail, Yeonjun was still a near stranger to the boy and he didn't know how or if he would have over exaggerated the truth.

"Still.." Jisung whispered.

He felt it. The rush of emotions bubbling up inside of him, just the look his friends had.

They cared.

And it couldn't be helped. It couldn't be stopped, as tears made their way down the blonde's cheeks.

"What am I supposed to do.."

"Well..." Jisung started, "No!" Came a shout before the boy could finish.

Felix had slung his body on top of the boy as he slammed his hand over his mouth, "I thought we all agreed not to use that idea." The boy failed at whisper shouting.

"What idea?"

"Its nothing." Hyunjin nervously laughed, shooting harsh glances towards the boy with his mouth covered.

But with one lick of his tongue, Felix moved his hand and Jisung made his way over to Wooyoung.

"Maybe you stop trying to resist!" He shouted, hurrying the words out before the others could stop him yet again.

"What?!" Wooyoung panicked, betrayed by his friends words.

"No I mean like, you're trying to resist him right? So its fun for him--like a chase, but if you didn't resist as hard, maybe he would get bored and decide he doesn't want you.."

"Thats perfect!" Wooyoung yelled, eyes almost glaring at the others for not letting Jisung voice his idea.

This could work right?

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