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"Its not that they even necessarily choose you... in all reality, they own you."

Wooyoung sat in his room replaying the words that Yeonjun spoke earlier today,

"All ranks have their own set of rules, one of the reasons why our university thrives the way it does, but Obsidian are on a whole new level... rumor has it that they enforce a dom and sub relationship, you sign a bdsm contract upon acceptance and you have a week to find your contractual dominate or submissive and then thats it, your stuck for the rest of your time here.."

The blonde had spent what felt like hours, flipping through the pages of his handbook, never once finding anything about separate rules for each rank, let alone Obsidian in general.

There was a part of him that was terrified. With reason.

Yes, he sought adventure, he sought an out of comfort experience in order to be able to say he lived his life with no regrets.

But being owned. A property. Well that just wasn't his idea of a thrill.

But all was good. He just needed to steer clear of the Obsidian rank.

Easy enough.

• • •

"On the table you'll notice a schedule of the next few weeks, I myself, like to plan ahead and get an early start on things so I thought I would allow the same freedom to all of you." A deep voice rumbled.

History was never one of Wooyoung's favorite subjects, even if the class was called The History of Art, art being one of the only things in life that seemed to make him happy, he still wasn't too thrilled to be here.

A slim man, sandy hair pushed back out of his face, and a pair of rounded glasses perched up on his nose.

His demeanor screamed dominance, one that would make even one of his own kind bow down.

Wooyoung tried to pay attention, he truly did, his head held up by the palm of his hand as the clock ticked, time easing its way.

It had only been fifteen minutes and yet it seemed as if he had been sitting there for hours.

And if the lesson itself wasn't boring him into annoyance, he heard giggles from the back rows, boys moaning out the teachers name in hushed whispers as their friends tried to quiet them down.

Seemed as though it had become a game.

"Nghh.. Namjoon, Mr. Kim, fuck me daddy!" A particular load voice echoed out, clearly in a mocking tone.

Mr. Kim turned slowly, tongue poking at his cheek, a clear annoyance resonated on his face.

"And who do I owe this honor to?" He asked, the question was more of a joke, but his tone couldn't be more serious.

It wasn't even Wooyoung who spit out those vulgar words, but his own face seemed to heat up into a crimson red as he lowered his head, as if trying to hide from the confrontation.

The only gasps heard were from the handful of freshman that littered the room, everyone else seemed to stay silent. unfazed.

"I get that you're new and all, but shouldn't you know at least the hierarchies of the university?" The voice from behind asked.

Wooyoung heard somewhere that each rank has their chain of command, ones that represent their colors, he had searched it up earlier on when someone ran up to him after his talk with Yeonjun in the cafeteria.

Apparently Yeonjun was a big deal, they called him the king.

In his rank, Emerald, he held the highest position amongst his other peers, making him nearly a god in most peoples eyes.

And as this idiot behind him continued to speak, the gasps started to arise, it may have been his imagination but Wooyoung could have sworn he even heard a kid gulp.

Was it that big of a deal?

The blonde was startled out of his thoughts as heavy boots stomped down the stairs.

He didn't dare to look up, he figured keeping his head down was his best bet, but it suddenly became hard when a whiff of the other boys cologne consumed his senses.

A dark musk mixed with... cherry?

"Let me do you the honors of introducing myself..." the boy spat, you could hear the smirk on his lips.


"Names Choi San, the king of Obsidian."

It couldn't be helped. Wooyoung's body moved on its own as he lifted his head up, eyes wanting to see what exactly a king of Obsidian would look like.

"...Each king of their ranking is based off of a greek god, I guess back in the day the school was all obsessed with the classic mythologies..."

Standing before him was a lean figure. Black hair, bangs bleached into a stark white, tan skin that was tight over his muscles... and lips a glorious red, stained by the sucker that laid between his teeth.

If each king is based on a god, he would most definitely be hades.

And Wooyoung knew in that moment he had fucked up.

Because Hades was staring....

And he was staring at him.

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