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"Aw kitten, you started without me?.."

Wooyoung froze, even holding in his breath as the hand on his thigh started to rub back and forth.

"You okay?" Yeosang asked, the blonde could only nod as he excused himself, walking away down one of the many isle of books.

"You're not trying to avoid me now are you?" San asked, impressively keeping up with Wooyoung's quick strides.


"So you are?" You could hear the smirk San was sporting as he casually kept up behind the blonde.

Wooyoung didn't know where he was going at this point, just trying his best to make some sudden turns and lose the stalking boy.

He decided to have a look behind him, just a quick peek.

And when he did there was bo longer a looming figure.

Wooyoung took this time to take a deep breath as he calmed himself down, leaning back against the bookshelf and catching his breath.

He let his eyes close. For only a second.

And thats when his arms were roughly yanked from his side and thrown above his head, locked by a large hand that had a grasp of steel.

"Found you.." the voice would have almost sounded sinister if it wasn't for the blonde knowing who it belonged to.

Wooyoung kept his eyes sealed shut, his senses already overwhelmed enough by the cherry breath and musky cologne that consumed him.

"So I can't stop thinking about it, the words linger in my head while I dream and it makes the craving that much stronger..." San spoke, body moving even closer.

Wooyoung was confused, didn't know what the hell San was going on about.

That is, until he felt a round object push through his lips, the smooth surface letting off a taste of grape.

And then he remembered their conversation...

"To see if I actually tasted like cherry.." San moved his head to where his lips grazed the boys ear, feeling the heat he was radiating.

"I bet if you sucked on my tongue, you wouldn't even know the difference between it and the candy its been wrapped around.." he whispered, "maybe I should bring you in your own lollipop, bet it'd be fun to mix flavors, don't you think?"

And as the grape flavor started to rush over his tongue, he realized where this situation was going and bravely decided to open his eyes.

He knew San was close due to the hot breath on his face, but the shock was still present when his eyes took in the closeness of the other boy.

San had a hint of hunger in his eyes, his expression serious, despite the slight tug on his lips.

Wooyoung was too invested in trying to calm his beating heart that he didn't have time to prepare for the connection of lips.

He was being kissed.

The slow and gentle feeling was not what he was expecting, San's velvet lips lingered, pulling on his own, but Wooyoung kept his ground, not allowing his lips to join.

But San had other plans as he slid his hand behind the boy, taking a handful of his plump ass, resulting in Wooyoung letting out a gasp.

San was quick to use this opportunity to allow his tongue to slip into the boys mouth, wanting to explore every inch of it.

Wooyoung was forced to let his lips dance with San's, their tongues moving gracefully around each other.

The cherry flavor dripping into the blondes mouth, solidifying his curiosities.

His own grape flavor was sucked into San's.

They didn't realize how long they had been standing there, but it was long enough to where Wooyoung was losing his breath, and his brain cells apparently because he was enjoying the way San made him feel.

Wooyoung finally pushed the other away, deep breaths coming out of his lips as he struggled to come back to reality.

San just smirked at him, watching as the blonde wiped his lips off, Wooyoung looked up at the boy, watching his eyes carefully.

But inevitably they turned dark, the boy leaning down, lips starting at the boys neck and moving upwards.

San started to laugh, a low chuckle in Wooyoung's ear...

"I caught you..." he whispered

And with that, Wooyoung knew it was over.

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