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Wooyoung was currently sat at the library, his headphones on and a book in his hand, one that he needed to read before next week for one of his classes.

He was fully emerged into the story, his inner self escaping into the pages deep enough to where he was oblivious to his name being called.

"Woo! We're going to be late!" Felix called out for the nth time, pulling an ear bud from the boys ear and whispering as loud as he could.

The startled boy went wide eyed, staring up at his friend with a silent rage that he did well to keep in.

"We're going to be late, Mr. Kim said that we only get three tardy's before we have to stay after and clean... come on~" Wooyoung was pulled from his spot as he allowed himself to be dragged to the class he dreaded the most.

'Maybe he wouldn't be there' he thought to himself, trying his hardest to keep a positive out look.

Felix practically threw the boy into the class as the freckled boy hopped to his seat, when in reality, they were still quite early.

"Did you do the homework?" Felix asked the kid to his right, turning his head and copying answers, knowing that if he was to ask Wooyoung, the blonde would surely reject saying, "you can't rely on me for work you should have done yourself, you need to learn to face the consequences."

Felix had wanted to shout the word "prude!" to Wooyoung on multiple occasions, but he wasn't entirely sure that they had reached that level of friendship yet, to allow the friendly banter.

Wooyoung had come a long way, Felix had noticed the boy opening up and breaking out of his shell.

But fear was still a lingering feeling within Felix, fear that the blonde would be thrown into the depths of hell which was Obsidian, and once again the boys walls would be up, and stronger than ever.

It wasn't long before Mr. Kim entered the room, briefcase in hand, still looking as handsome as ever.

Wooyoung had carefully scanned the room when they arrived and once more as the professor entered, and yet no sign of the raven haired devil.

"Today will be focused on your skills to examine a piece of art and write a paragraph or two explaining how you think the artist felt when creating the piece." The class sighed in relief, most including Wooyoung, would rather not sit through another one of the boring lectures.

The class grew silent, a low hum of classical music came from the front and the blonde focused in on his choice of art.

As time went on, something felt off.

The once clean smell of the sanitized classroom mixed with the scents of the other students in the room...

Was now replaced by a fruity sweet aroma, one that Wooyoung couldn't help but feel a familiar pull to it.

Until it hit him.

And now he was uncomfortably aware of how strong the fruity scent was, of how close it was.

As if on instinct he slowly lifted his head, turing it to his left until his eyes were met with that raven hair.

Sitting in between two red stained lips was the source of the smell, that damn cherry lollipop.

Wooyoung didn't realize how long he had been staring until a raspy voice pointed out, "it's not nice to stare ya know..."

San didn't even look towards the blonde, his eyes continued to focus on his own assignment, the paragraph nearly done making Wooyoung wonder just how long he had actually been there.

The blonde turned to finish his last few sentences, his heart beating so hard he swore that everyone around him could hear it.

And if he wasn't uncomfortable enough, he felt the slightest touch of fingers resting upon his thigh.

No force or weight about them, as if the owner of the hands wanted to gage the reaction out of him first.

"You know..." San spoke, "the offer still stands."

"W-what offer?" The first time the boy directly, and intentionally, spoke to him he just had to go off and stutter, had to show his goddamn nerves.

The light touch became a weighted force as those fingers gripped the inside of Wooyoung's thigh, a little too close for comfort.

And the blonde made the mistake of turning his attention back to the voice because when he did, his nose barely grazed the others, making San smirk.

The warm cherry breath consumed his senses as he made the mistake of taking an up close look at the plump lips that wasn't even a centimeter away.

"To see if I actually tasted like cherry.." San moved his head to where his lips grazed the boys ear, feeling the heat he was radiating.

"I bet if you sucked on my tongue, you wouldn't even know the difference between it and the candy its been wrapped around.." he whispered, "maybe I should bring you in your own lollipop, bet it'd be fun to mix flavors, don't you think?"

Wooyoung was frozen, body not moving and face painted a deep crimson.

It wasn't long until class ended, and thankfully San left without another tantalizing comment.

But the blonde still sat, even after the last kid had left, because luck was definitely not on his side.

'I'm fucked...'

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