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text message from zayn:
wanna come over tonight ? 😛

that was the text zayn sent the very next day after harry seen him with that girl. his eye twitched when he read over the text, feeling deeply ticked off. the audacity of that bastard—hasn't he had enough already? he was just with some chick last night and now he wants to fuck him right after? harry growls in annoyance to himself.

the asshole didn't even have the decency to at least wait a couple days. is this what he always does? find a different person to have sex with every single day? did he ever even get tired? harry doesn't understand how the guy has this much stamina, it's ridiculous and it pisses him off. harry wanted nothing more than to call him right now and cuss him out, but had to keep his emotions under control.

plus, he didn't want zayn to know he saw him, and he certainly didn't want zayn to think he cared—because he definitely didn't.

instead, he didn't reply at all-at least, not right now anyway. first, he had to think of brilliant way to turn him down, something good enough to hurt that big ego of his. then again, harry isn't sure there is anything that would do such a thing. zayn is a completely different breed from most guys, he doesn't seem to care whether he gets shut down, because all he'll do is move on to the next person ready and willing.

it irks harry to the bone. how could someone be so nonchalant and chill like that? does he not care about anything or anyone? harry rolls his eyes as he locks his phone and tucks it away-of course he doesn't care, he's just a fuck boy after all. the brunette scoffs to himself, picking up the tv remote to turn up the volume of the show that was currently playing.

"hey!" unexpectedly, hands come to rest on his shoulders, startling him. harry yelps and turns his head to see his friend smiling down at him, then he sighs before glaring at him.

"what the hell lou?" he grumbles all grumpy. louis laughs before jumping over the back of the chair and plopping down on the couch next to him.

"if you keep making that grumpy face it just might get stuck like that." louis says. harry's eyes narrow at him, making the blue eyed male snicker behind his hand.

"whatever. what do you want?" harry asks. louis rolls his eyes.

"damn grumpy, what's stuck up your ass?" louis asks. seconds later a smirk crossed over his face, "oh wait, i know wh-"

harry grabs the couch pillow and smacks louis with it before he can say anything more. louis laughs loudly.

"shut up!" harry yells, continuously hitting louis with the pillow. louis shields his face, laughing as his friend attacks him. after a while harry stops his assault, pulling back to glare at his blue eyed friend who sits up with a wide grin. just as louis opens his mouth to speak, harry cuts him off. "don't even say it."

"i wasn't going to." he says throwing his hands up in defense. harry rolls his eyes before tossing the pillow aside and relaxing again. louis folds his arms behind his head and leans back against the cushions. "anyways, i was going to ask if you wanted to come with liam and i to the movies."

harry raises an eyebrow, "why are you inviting me to go?"

"uh, is it not normal to invite friends to join them in outings?" louis asks, confused. harry shakes his head.

"no, it's not that. i just thought that maybe you two would, you know, enjoy some time alone together." harry tells him suggestively. the blue eyed male narrows his eyes slightly, wondering where exactly his curly haired friend was getting at.

"what's that supposed to mean?" he asks suspiciously. harry grins, shrugging.

"i dunno, you two have just been close lately, so i assumed you'd enjoy some one on one time together." harry says. louis laughs humorously, patting harry's shoulder.

"i have no idea what you're on about. c'mon, you're coming with us so get ready." he says before quickly springing up and scurrying out of the room before harry could protest. harry smirks to himself.

"sure, if you say so." he mumbles to himself. he's was totally lying. harry gets up and makes his way to his room. perhaps getting out for a few hours would help him clear his mind of unwanted thoughts. if he stays here any longer without anything to do, he'll certainly lose it.

most of his home work was done anyway since he'd woken up early this morning to do it (after he slept the day away prior) and thankfully he didn't have to work today. therefore, he was free to do whatever and if he's honest he'd much rather go out somewhere instead is staying inside—even if he'd probably end up as a third wheel. it's better than nothing.

harry didn't exactly feel like changing his clothes. he was comfortable in what he was wearing, and it's not like he needed to look good just to go sit in a dark theatre where no one would see him. that is just a pointless for a good outfit, so instead he just grabs a light jacket and pulls on his shoes before plopping down on his bed sprawled out staring up at the ceiling.

harry pulls out his phone to check what time it is, his eyes subconsciously reading over the unread text message from zayn that was still showing up in the notifications of his lock screen, sighing with an eye roll. he unlocks his phone, opening up the texts and hovering his thumbs over the keyboard to type a reply finally.

to zayn:
no, i'm going out tonight.

harry closes out the messages and locks his phone again, not expecting a reply from him. however, his phone vibrates after only a few moments with another text from the raven.

from zayn:

to zayn:
wouldn't you like to know?

from zayn:
i would 🤪

to zayn:
i'm going on a date, so i gotta go get ready. bye.

harry didn't receive a reply after that, so he assumes either zayn has someone over (which is highly likely) or harry somehow managed to annoy him with that last reply. but, he doesn't think something like that is even possible. the brunette shrugs, and puts his phone away.

he's going to go to the movies with his friends and enjoy himself, and not think about zayn for the remainder of the day.


hey, just a little filler chapter so pretty uneventful, sorry.

what you think gonna happen next? love you all x

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