forty two

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word of zayn and matt's fight spread like wildfire the day after it happened. everyone was gossiping about it everywhere the raven went. every corner he turned, he had people coming up to him asking if the rumors were true and pestering him about the whole ordeal. zayn had a pretty good idea about who the culprit was going around telling everyone about what had happened, but he didn't care much about that.

he went on about his normal routine as if nothing had ever happened. the raven hadn't cared much about it, matthew got exactly what was coming to him and now that zayn's been able to release some of that pent up anger, he could care less. however, he was contacted by their fraternity president shortly after the fight took place and soon the advisors caught wind and also had a talk with him.

after hearing both matthew's and zayn's sides of the story—as well as from all the roomates were present during the time—they had all come to the decision to let both occupants remain in the fraternity, since this is both their first offense and they'd never been in trouble for anything prior. well, they hadn't been caught doing something they weren't supposed to anyway. but in turn, they both had to pay off the damages from all the shit they broke or damaged during the fight, which isn't a major issue to stress too much over.

although, should something like that happen again, he'd definitely get kicked out.

although, over the last couple weeks, zayn has really been thinking about that. about leaving the frat house and living in a proper dorm or an apartment—he was leaning more towards getting a place of his own. plus, being apart of the fraternity didn't mean he was required to live at the fraternity house itself. yes, he's still friends with most of the guys, but he doesn't know whether he'll be able to live there anymore. not with matthew anyway.

besides, having his own space would be nice. being roomates with justin isn't the best, of course he's the one who's gotten stuck with him when they first moved in. the main reason why he'd been spending more time at harry's apartment than at the house. having his own space and privacy was most desired, specifically now that he took the step to be in a fully committed relationship.

alone time with his boyfriend is needed. if you know what he means.

but, it's not all about sex and intimacy. zayn knows how nosy, rambunctious and troublesome his roomies can be and he knows how uncomfortable harry gets around them when he's there. the raven doesn't like it when he's so tense every time he goes over there. he's definitely in need of a change in environment.

meanwhile, zayn is smoking a joint in his car while some rap music plays at a low volume. his car is parked outside harry's apartment complex. it's a little late in the day, the sun already starting to set. harry is at work today, but he texted the raven that he'd be getting off soon. and since zayn didn't exactly want to be 'home' at the moment, he decided to come here instead—he's always here anyways nowadays, no surprise there really.

while he waits, he scrolls through his phone answering texts from multiple friends, and deleting any texts and messages he gets from thirsties wanting a night of fun with him. at this point he should really consider changing his number, and all of his social media accounts. the list of messages he has to ignore or delete from day to day is exhausting.

it's ironic. before, getting messages like that didn't bother him and he actually welcomed it because it meant that he had options. but when he got with harry, it all became annoying for him; the flirting, the nonconsensual touches, and repetitive text messages he got from people. it's weird how being in a relationship changed zayn's thought process as much as it did. they hadn't even been together for very long, yet, he felt himself changing in ways he didn't think he could.

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