sixty eight

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the drive back didn't remain silent for long. harry couldn't help voicing the disbelief of having to leave his own best friend's birthday celebration early all because his boyfriend was being unreasonable. of course zayn who still refused to believe he was in the wrong was still on the defensive, which only helped fueling the argument further. it was a wonder how they managed to make it back to the apartment in one piece. there were both equally fuming as they pulled in front of the building and the engine dies. harry's beyond agitated with the raven's behavior tonight. he does not understand what got into him, or where the sudden drop in his mood came from, but zayn is being utterly ridiculous.

harry didn't know what to say to him, he didn't know if he wanted to say anything to him, he was so mad. tonight was supposed to be all about having a good time, as well as celebrating louis' special day. and zayn was the least bit interested in doing any of that. he was only thinking about himself, he was being completely selfish! harry doesn't get it, they have been doing great all week. zayn hasn't voiced any issues about hanging out with harry and his friends until now, nor did he seem to mind. in fact, he'd been getting along with them surprisingly well lately. why zayn choose tonight of all nights to be a complete prick for no reason and give harry hell for wanting time with his friends was beyond him. and harry wasn't about to put up with it, especially not when he'd been spending majority, if not all of his free time with zayn in the first place. the raven had absolutely no reason to complain.

harry scowls at the ground as they make their way up to the apartment, the raven walking far ahead of him and making it there first, unlocking the door and storming inside. harry comes in a moment after him, shutting the door shut behind him, not bothering to lock it, because someone coming in and murdering them is the least of his worries. hell, harry is half tempted to murder the dark haired man himself. the brunette watches as zayn continues walking up to the room, not saying anything to him. his eyebrow twitches in annoyance, marching after him, because there's no way zayn thinks he's going to get away from talking about this. not after that act he put on.

harry uses the banister to steady himself on the stairs as he walks up quickly, because he's teetering on the edge of insobriety and the last thing he needed was to slip and fall down the stairs when he is trying to be angry at his stupid boyfriend for being stupid. when they make it to the room, harry slams the door shut and stands by it narrowing his eyes at the raven from across the room, who doesn't turn around to acknowledge him as he kicks off his shoes and pretends that he doesn't even know harry's there.

"we're home now, gonna tell me why you've been acting like a big baby?" harry asks. zayn does not answer him, keeping his back turned to him as he begins to remove his shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it into the bin. the brunette grits his teeth, too ticked off to get distracted by his boyfriend's sexy tatted body being presented in front of him. he crosses the distance between them when no response comes from the man, and taps his arm impatiently. "i know you hear me talking to you."

"don't touch me." zayn hisses, recoiling.

"don't touch you? you've been touching me nonstop all night, you don't get to tell me not to touch you!" harry shouts. zayn finally turns to face him, glaring at him angrily.

"am i not allowed to touch my boyfriend? i don't understand what the fuckin' problem is." he snaps.

"you, you're the problem! you were doing too fucking much!" harry exclaims.

"if it bothered you that damn much, why didn't you tell me to stop?"

"i told you to stop multiple times, but you think everything is a fucking game." harry says through clenched teeth. zayn clicks his tongue, walking to the other side of the room where the closet is.

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