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"how dare he think he has the audacity to speak to me." harry is still pissed. he angrily yanks the refrigerator door open-grabbing out a bottle of water, aggressively screwing the cap off and taking a gulp. he couldn't the believe the nerve of that jerk. he thinks just because he's hot (probably sculpted personally by the hands of god himself) that he can do whatever he wants. harry's only met him a handful of times, twice out of those times he was drunk and horny-barely unable to remember. but still, zayn manages to get underneath his skin.

harry's so agitated. the dark haired man kicked him to the curve, and then acted like everything was peaches and cream. ugh, harry swears the next time he sees that little shit-he's going to kick him right in his balls so hard he'll never be able to stick his dick in anything anymore. he'll have him crying for his mummy, that damn prick. harry nearly gulps down the entire bottle of water, before pulling it away and setting it on the counter-breathing heavily.

"what's got you so worked up?" liam asks, yawning as he enters the kitchen after harry. the brunette snaps his head over to look at him, narrowing his eyes at his brown eyed friend.

"when the hell did you get here?" harry asks. liam sits down at the table, raising an eyebrow at harry.

"damn, can i at least get a hi from my dearest friend?" liam grumbles. harry hmphs, crossing his arms like a pouting toddler. liam chuckles, brushing a hand through his hair. "seriously h, what's up with you?"

"that damn bastard is what's up." harry mumbles, sitting himself down across from liam. just then, louis emerges-entering the kitchen, looking to have just showered and changed into clean clothes, his hair still slightly damp. he joins the two at the table, looking back and forth between them with curious eyes as he tries to figure out what they're talking about.

"who're we talking about?" louis asks.

"i think h is having a crisis." liam shrugs. louis meets his eyes, raising a brow. harry hmphs and turns his head away. louis let's out a breathy laugh.

"why do i feel like i know who this is about?" he asks. harry grabs his water bottle again, drinking from it and puts it down again. "what happened?"

"i ran into that prick at uni today, and he was so, so- ugh, you should've seen him lou, he was so arrogant and he had that stupid smirk on his face like he was the shit. i wanted to punch him so bad. and you know what he said to me?! he said he would make it up to me, make it up to me. are you kidding me?!" harry hisses, crushing the bottle in his hand-thinking back to that moment. he closes his eyes, remembering the intoxicating aroma of his cologne and the hint of marijuana mixing with his minty breath. harry clenched his jaw.

"welp harry, once you turn the game on, you can't stop playing it until it's over." louis says, referring to zayn-because they both knew this could've been avoided if harry had just stayed away and forgotten about that hookup, instead of stirring it up again by fucking him (or letting zayn fuck him) again. harry grumbles, gulping down the last of his water.

"this is not fucking jumanji louis, god." harry rolls his eyes, then glares at the table, smooshing his cheek against his palm at his rests his face on his hand. he really shouldn't be this upset over one guy, but he couldn't help it-something about that dark hair and those chocolate eyes has him miffed. maybe it was a sex thing. harry hasn't had sex in a while, not since before meeting zayn anyway. perhaps he has built up frustration and having a taste of dick again is making him crazy. maybe harry just needs to get laid, again. or possibly a few times to sate himself-but not ever again by that bastard. there's just no way in hell.

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