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if harry's being honest, the party wasn't what he expected. it was actually quite boring if anything. not really surprising seeing as it's being held by one of the lesser known fraternities (and least favorited at that). harry isn't even sure why in the world niall would even want to come here. there was barely anybody here, possibly a little under a hundred people. normally there's at least three hundred of not more, at the parties they'd attend. but here? it's practically empty.

but, knowing his friend, he probably only came for the beer and maybe the food too. then again, they didn't need to come here to drink, they could've just gone to a bar or night club or something. anything would've been better than this! harry wasn't having fun, in fact he was having the opposite of fun. there was nothing to do here, he felt so out of place.

there's hardly anyone dancing, the music isn't good, and there's hardly any guys around here that are remotely harry's type. so much for meeting someone and having such a good time that he'd be able to forget someone. the brunette scoffs, inwardly rolling his eyes. he'd been standing in one spot the whole time he'd been here, trying to decide whether to ditch niall and get the hell out of dodge or stick it out a little longer.

he was leaning more towards the first idea. first off, there was no one to dance with, no one to vibe with, not even anyone to talk to—not that he'd actually tried talking to anyone. what the hell is he supposed to do? just stand here looking like a jackass the whole night? he doesn't know where the hell that loud mouthed friend of his ran off to, probably making the most out of this lame ass party, while harry's stuck here miserable.

at least the alcohol was good, that counted for something right?

bored green eyes, sigh as he takes another sip from the red cup in his hand. precious time was being wasted away. if he wanted to stand around doing nothing while drinking, he could've done that at home—but, he came here to have fun, dance a little, maybe even get laid (if there was even anyone of interest). though, that plan is not going so well as one can see. so, harry decides it's probably time to ditch.

as much as he cherishes his dear irish best friend (who's probably off drunk somewhere) he couldn't stand being here another second. he's not sure if it's just him or that maybe this party really was lame-but, he really wasn't feeling it tonight. he'd rather be back at home, sleeping, like he was doing before coming here.

harry doesn't stand there a second longer, and starts walking towards the door. as he's lifting up his cup to down the rest of his drink and toss the cup out, he crashes into someone. his drinks spills all over himself and possibly whomever just bumped into him. harry gasps softly as the coldness, dropping his now emptied cup. then to looks up to see who it was.

"shit, i'm sorry, didn't see you there." a deep voice says apologetically. harry pauses for a moment as he stares up at the strangers, who's almost a head taller than him. coincidentally, he has dark hair-a very deep brown, pretty hazel eyes, and lightly tanned skin. harry's lips parted slightly in awe. because, holy cow—this guy is hot and totally his type. he has to recollect himself for a moment before he can muster a reply.

"it's okay, wasn't looking where i was going." harry responds. the other man shakes his head.

"that was completely on me, lemme get you a napkin or something." he offers. harry smiles softly, nodding. the male motions him to follow, then leads them into the kitchen where he finds the paper towels. he grabs a couple and helps harry dry himself off since some of the beer went down his shirt and got onto his arms as well. harry blushes slightly at having the other man dab the material over his body.

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