2 • Alphas

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Seraphina POV

"Settle down everyone! Settle down, I know we are all excited to greet this year's packs for the annual mate gathering." Alpha Philip's baritone voice boomed across the banquet hall collecting everyone's attention.

People everywhere sat down, ceasing their conversations out of respect for the hosting alpha. They all bowed their head mine included regardless of the fact I had no wolf to feel the dominating aura he exuded; I still have offered submission.

There was an unsettling pause, and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise as I dared to see what had my alpha's undivided attention. Flicking my eyes up I instantly regretted it when my own eyes connected with his own. I was the thing that prolonged this now eerie pause.

Though he said nothing his eyes spoke a thousand different words all with detestation and repulsion. I snapped my eyes back to my hands in my lap grimacing at my stupidity, I just couldn't keep my eyes to myself. What was I thinking?

Clearing his throat Alpha Philip rose his hand high gesturing to the door and for all to rise. Mara gave me a questioning look when she noticed my panic, I tried to shake it off, but it was no use as I jumped when alpha Philip spoke up once again.

"Let us waste no more time by keeping our most honorable guests waiting. Beta Henry open the doors and let the first pack, Crescent Moon pack!"

The large 15-foot doors creaked open as a towering dark man appeared. His stoic disposition left no doubt he was an alpha himself, a mate-less alpha, the way he scanned the room eyeing every female that looked his way.

I stole my peek before he could turn to face me darting my eyes to the expensive bronze plated utensils when he began to gaze in my direction. My thudding heart was relentless against my caged ribs daring to pound straight out of my chest.

Mara graciously cupped my sweaty trembling hands in hers as she smiled while the rest of the packs filed in. Each one of them sat at their designated tables, the colors and emblem of their pack making it clear where each of them was to be sat. Once the last pack filed in music began as servers scurried out of flap doors with trays placed high on their shoulders.

My nose twitched at all the smells, the steak smelled delectable, the garlic chicken was mouth-watering and to top it all the pork loin had me practically drooling. Someone tapped my arm snapping me out of my daydream of food.

"Ignore the Alpha, he's stuck in his ways," Mara whispered bringing back to my earlier fit of panicked. I shushed her darted my eyes around frantic that a pack member would hear her and get us both in loads of trouble. "Don't shush me it's the truth. You're the daughter of the most prolific warrior to ever be seen." She stated looking around to see if anyone heard us, they were all busy laughing and carrying on with one another.

"The least he could do is be civil with you." She said finding our alphas antics childish, she wasn't the only one that thought this, I too found it useless as did my parents.

My father had mentioned having some sort of conversation with Alpha Philip and Beta Henry, but our alpha took my father's words lightly batting an eyelash at his concerns. Henry on the other hand would keep his comments about me to himself the same as Lana. I think it was purely out of not wanting to upset Mara rather than my father's wishes but none the less they were decent towards me.

The banquet hall was noisy and busy with hundreds of different conversations and the clanking of utensils and glasses. I took it all in overwhelmed a little by all the different people I had never seen before. There were several alphas here, more than I thought, I wondered how so many could be in the same room without a dominating fight breaking out. I made a mental note to ask Mara about it later.

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