Seraphina POV
I had never felt more alive that was until Desmond burst through the front door of the cabin. Osiris and Desmond exchanged some colorful words when Osiris say me fall on the floor after being spooked by the sudden intrusion.
We had decided to part ways after that. I had made my way back to my bedroom but that wasn't before Osiris awkwardly offering that I am more than welcomed to come to his bedroom whenever. He further more apologized for the missing door to my bedroom and assured me that another would be replaced first thing in the morning.
I thanked him and made my way to bed that night. A lot was on my mind. Between the album, the discovery of my creepy friend and the fact that Malacoda was the definition of a monster was enough to plague my dreams with nothing more than nightmares.
I couldn't tell you how many times I woke up that night in a cold sweat. The reincarnated images of the night I thought I had no recollection about came flooding back.
Andy had been holding me down. I wasn't completely unconscious. My subconscious was still trying to fight for me and the more vivid my nightmare became the more animated I became to the point that I was waking myself up in a slick coat of sweat and gasping for air to fill my heavy lungs.
I hated myself for being so foolish. I was so hungry for love and acceptance that I had walked myself right into his hands. I wasn't "luna" material. I was naive, shy, timid, ignorant, and too forgiving. So... then why am I still here?
Obvious Osiris must be thinking the same thing. I'm unfit for such a position, but now for some reason I want it now. It was a desire I was laying to myself for the past few days. I could blame it on my wolf that was poking its head out every so often or the fact that this pack was everything I ever wanted in a pack, I just knew now that the name Luna felt perfect on my tongue.
Luna Seraphina.
I wouldn't be a good leader I thought wiping away the sweat from the back of my neck. I gazed out the window. It was heavily snowing again and I couldn't help but wonder how much snow did Osiris's pack get all the way up here in the mountains.
With sleep long gone I crawled out of bed and sat myself in my desk chair. I stared out at the snowy peaks of the nearby mountains. There wasn't much else to do at this time of night but anything was better than going back to sleep and see the image of naked Andy hovering above me.
I thought about what my life might have been had I not been cursed. I might have been really liked. My father was highly regarded in the pack and across much of the other packs. He was renowned as being the best warrior. Maybe if I wasn't cursed I would have been looked at as taking up his position with similar abilities and skills.
But I wasn't. I was stripped of it for an unknown selfish reason that I yearned to know the answer for. I was innocent, born into this world with nothing but wonder and someone, Philip had stripped me of that, and for what?
What could a single little frail girl do. Nothing... that's what.
"Can't get any sleep?"
His voice made me both jump and smile.
I didn't miss the howl of what I knew now as my wolf inside my head or when we kissed. She or it or whatever it was, hadn't been silent since. Osiris came into the room further; enough where the moon hit off his white PJ shirt to the point it glowed.
"I get nightmares too." He muttered when I didn't answer. I think he could smell the fright right off of the sweat I wiped. It was more comfortable to think of that than the possibility that Osiris had been just watching me slept.

For the Taking ✅
FantasyThe girl with no wolf. An extra mouth to feed. A liability. A defenseless miscreation. Seraphina had heard it all. She had felt it all too. The bone aching bruises, the defenseless claw scratches just shy of her neck on the edges of her collarbone...