66 • Hell

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Dedicating this chapter to @NickLopez541 for sticking through the entirety of this book and for their support. I'm forever grateful for you and everyone else that stuck around. I promise this chapter and the last two are worth the wait.

Osiris POV

Philip didn't keep us waiting.

The new moon left the mountains as dark as the valley below. No light illuminated the finer details of the peaks of the forest. There wasn't enough snow to light up our surroundings. If it weren't for our heighten abilities I don't think we'd been able to see much of anything.

But we could clearly see Philip crawling out of the forest with his entourage. Most of them stopped just shy of the forest tree line their glowing eyes the only thing visible against the darkness.

Philip and three others continued to approach until they stopped a few yards from us. Phina had remained hidden behind Desmond and I. Desmond bared his teeth as they approach noticing one of them instantly.

They'd brought Malacoda with them. I could recognized that wolf anywhere.

He wasted no time shifting to his human form to talk. A smug self indulging smile spread wide across his face.

"Not bad, Osiris. Seems playing alpha has its ups. You sure do know how to pick a location in the middle of no where." Malacoda's nonchalant demeaned sent rage down my spin. But I didn't react, I wouldn't give him the reaction he thrived on.

Bones snapped and out popped Philip next to his sadistic cousin. "Where's the girl?"

"Straight to the point I see." Malacoda gave Philip a cold stare with a quick roll of his eyes. Was that disapproval?

"We came for the girl, Coda. I'm not going to sit hear and listen to you two bicker over who is and isn't an alpha. Honestly, I never gave a fuck so give me the girl."

I couldn't help the snarl I made. My teeth flare out, a test, I wanted him to dare make another demand. This area was still my home. This was my safe spot though they'd never learn to know that. I wouldn't push it past them to set this place on fire or destroy it just to prove to the world I was a joke. For Malacoda, it would be to prove I would never have a happy ending. Happiness was something he's always tried to starve me of.

It had sure felt like that for years until Phina. Now, life feels worth experiencing and exploring. I wanted to see where me future went, where I'd go, places I'd see. But most of all I wanted to do all that with her until the end of time. Until I could no longer breath in that honey scent and see those gold flaming eyes. I'd love her until my dying breath.

I had said it earlier to her, and I had meant it. I wouldn't stop loving her not even in the next life over, whatever that might be, I just hoped we met in that other life. I didn't care if we weren't on the same world again or met the same people, as long as I met her all things would be perfect.

She was the flame of a candle in a home of my darkness.

Phina walked around me. She'd hid herself behind Desmond and I waiting for the right moment to expose herself.

She was nervous to put on a show but it was our best shot still. We needed to distract them long enough for Aspen, Ivy and a few others to find and retrieve Phina's parents. They were here somewhere if Phina's flaring nostrils were any indication to go off of.

"There she is and beautiful as ever." It took all my will power not to tear his throat out. It was a taunt. There was no denying that. He wanted me to jump, he wanted me to make that one dire mistake that would cost us everything.

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