8 • Explain

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Seraphina POV

After dinner Desmond explained more about who Ivy was and what to expect going down town. From what he had told me she seemed like a very nice girl and roughly my age. I was delighted to have someone other than Desmond to talk to. He seemed like a very busy man and knowing he's out of the house most of the day it's be nice to hangout with someone during those times.

Though I couldn't wait to go shopping in the town I couldn't say the same for Osiris. He had a deep frown on his face for the remainder of the dinner. Something about me leaving the confines of the cabin made him irritated.

He'd gotten so bothered by Desmond talking about it that he excused himself from the table in a hurry. Desmond told me to ignore his behavior and that, I quote "He lacks social intelligence."

Trying not to be bothered I listened intently to the rest Desmond had to tell me. At the end I was excited and went to bed early unable to wait.

Morning arrived and the sound of my alarm on my phone woke me up. Desmond had given me an extra charger he had and I was able to charge it over night.

When the phone turned on I had over fifty text messages and more than twenty missed calls. Most were from Mara but a few were from my mother and father.

Nausea formed in the pit of my stomach as I tried to figure out how to explain everything to them. They'd demand I come home but they didn't know that Alpha Philip was determined to reprimand me for just breathing.

Last night I was able to muster up the courage to text everyone that I was okay and that I'd call them at a better time. I thought it would ease their worries but quite frankly I think I had risen it to knee levels.

When I awoke there were even more phone calls, all but one were from my parents.

Groaning I pinched the bridge if my nose as I pressed the last missed call ringing them back. I prepared myself for the out burst that was about to unfold and I squeezed my eyes tight when the phone was answered.


"Mom, hi-"

"Seraphina where the hell are you?! You have your father and I worried sick looking for you. You never came home from the gathering and Mara said you had left and didn't tell her where you were going." The worry in my mother voice was evident and with the raspiness to her words it was clear she hadn't slept much.

"I'm sorry, I- I can explain." I muttered guilt building you inside.

"Explain what Seraphina? Explain what exactly?"

"Alpha Philip confronted me for showing up at the gathering. He was furious mom, he scared me. I had never seen him look at me with so much- hatred." I felt somber as I recalled the events. "He threaten to hurt me mom. I couldn't stay. I'm not a werewolf, I wouldn't be able to take a punishment from him like he told me he'd dish out. I wasn't going to stay somewhere I didn't belong."

There was silence on the other line as I waited for my mom to answer. I didn't know if she was silent because she was trying to process the information in spewed at her or the fact that I did run away. It wasn't until I felt a wetness on my hand that rested on my lap that I realized I was crying. She had said nothing because she heard my crying.

I wiped another tear from my cheek as I gathered my bearings shaking off the traumatic event. Today was going to be a good day and I wasn't about to start it off on a bad foot.

"Are you telling me the truth?" My mom asked. It was a question but the tone she used told me differently. She knew I had told her the truth. This was her way of getting confirmation.

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