49 • Soul

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⚠️ WARNING: This chapter contains mention of rape and abuse. Read at your own digression.

Also so sorry for the two weeks delay. I'm currently in finals we and it's a bit overwhelming, plus I was flying up to see my family for Thanksgiving, I'm home now and working on the next several chapters. Things are about to get crazy👀.

Seraphina POV

"I know Desmond showed you this place before, I had told him to. It was a place he and I always came up to when we had things to get off our chest." Osiris explained peering around a tree he used to cover his naked body as he tugged on  by some sweatpants hidden at the base of it.

"You have things to get off your chest?" I had spit out without thought.

Osiris stared at me a a half second longer than usually before shaking his head. "No, not exactly." He rounded the tree coming completely into view. "I more of want to... I'd like to share with you who I really am and who I was. I'm sure you've heard what I am called but that's not what my pack knows me as."

"Is that because you don't allow them to call you the Alpha Slayer?" I questioned trying hard to let my eyes stray south of his chin. He wasn't wearing any shirt and

He shook his head as I sat down on one of the boulders. The snow was higher than the last time I was here and the wind was more violent as the loose strains of my hair whipped me in the face.

"No, honestly I don't care what my pack calls me as long as it's respectful. I never wanted to be an alpha, I still don't really want to be."

Osiris walked closer to the mountains edge looking out into the horizon while he dove deeper into his thoughts. I was bewildered and frankly sitting on the edge of my seat now. The fact that he was openly admitting to me that he never wanted to be an alpha was astounding. If anyone in his pack heard that I wouldn't push it past someone to overthrow him and jump at the opportunity to be an alpha.

Everyone was power hungry, even the most quite. Especially the most silent individual.

"How did you become an alpha then if you never wanted the position. I find it hard to believe that you just woke up one day and tens of other wolves decided to follow your orders."

Osiris chuckled as he turned to face me. There was a slight smirk that lite up his face, his hidden dimple was on full display and I couldn't help but find it hard to feel bubbly.

"You'd be surprised but no, that isn't what happened. It didn't happen over night and it didn't happen without a ton of losses." His face dropped as he recalled.

We had talked before but nothing like this. This felt different, it felt deeper and closer to home.

"You don't have to explain-"

"No, I want to." He insisted coming closer to where I sat. "There's a lot that you don't know about me and that's my fault."

I agreed but I didn't dare voice it. Osiris was closed off and reserved, he never came off as someone that shared much about themselves. I didn't blame him though.

Osiris pulled himself up next to me. His hands rubbed against the tops of his knees as he apprehensively tried to comfort himself.

"Desmond and I had a sister. Her name is Ileana, and when she was seventeen the alpha of our pack and her discovered they were mates. My parents never thought anything of it believing that she was blessed for being mates to an alpha bloodline." He scoffed. "They were wrong, so wrong. He manipulated her, degraded her, and forced her to bare her pups like they were some sort of badge of honor. As if Ileana didn't already have dreams and aspirations of her own that she wished to..." Osiris took a deep sigh, defeat was deep in the flexion of his muscles. "-Ileana was bright and sweet and- he took her away from us, used her, abused her, she became a prisoner in her own home."

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