34 • Selfish

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Seraphina POV

Osiris groaned as he leaned onto his elbows as they rested against his thighs. "There's more privacy in my office let's go there and I'll explain everything to you." He spoke eyeing the rather sad job my broken door did at blocking our conversation from prying ears.

And who's fault is that? He should have thought about that before he decided to break down the door.

I crossed my arms. "No, whatever you have to say you can say it here and now or forever hold your peace."

"Fine then." He grumbled. "Where would you like me to start?"

Wasn't it obvious? Hadn't I made it clear? I wanted to know everything, from the beginning to how we ended up here.

All the secrecy, double meanings, and side-eyes were tiring. I wanted to know everything that he hide from me, even if it meant I wouldn't stick around long after.

I had made up my mind already, regardless of the fact that Osiris would now come clean I wouldn't stay in a place I was never truly wanted. They didn't want me here. I couldn't help but feel like a charity case at this point.

"The beginning is a great place to start," I stated sarcastically to which Osiris curled his lip up.

"I found out you were my mates the first time I saw you." He began.

"When Philip was threatening me?"

Osiris nodded. "I didn't want you at first."

My heart nearly ruptured. Was he trying to dig the knife deeper he had already driven into my back?

My mate didn't want me after all. All this time I spend reassuring myself that my mate had accepted me just to be slapped  in the face when my true mate tells me they didn't want me.

The blood in my veins felt icy, my limbs felt suddenly weighted down. I didn't want to be in the same room anymore and all Osiris had explained was a single sentence.

I didn't want you.

Osiris watched as I sat myself down on the floor. My legs were crisscrossed as I leaned my elbows onto my legs and laid my head in my hands.

If I was going to feel like I was falling apart I would much rather be sitting down already and be able to hide my face if I ended up losing it.

"Phina, I never wanted-"

I snapped my head up to face him, I watched his atoning features as he rolled his bottom lip into his mouth. It was a nervous tick that I had and for some odd reason, I related to him in that moment, though it was brief.

"I don't want to hear apologies or excuses, just tell me the truth."

My snip response causes him to divert his gaze. The shame must have grown tenfold because he couldn't stand to look at me any longer as he mustered up the courage to continue.

And do Osiris told me everything. He told me about the time he first laid eyes on one another and how his wolf knew I was his mate. Osiris also explained that I couldn't fell him as my mate because I don't too have a wolf to recognize him as mine, though he noted that it was solely a hypothesis.

He mentioned how Desmond played the role as my mate because he didn't want he enemies to harm me to get to him. When he told me this I couldn't help but feel as though I was some pawn in a chess match. I was just an nuisance to him all this time, something that tied him down. No wonder he wanted nothing to do with me most times, hiding away and being down right rude to me.

Everything that he told me stung and if I was being honest in a messed up kind of way made sense but I couldn't over look the fact that he could have just told me the truth. All this time he and Desmond and most likely even Ivy portrayed this false reality to me.

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