43 • Change

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I am so so sorry. I didn't realize I hadn't posted yesterday. I live in Florida and my mind has been preoccupied with the hurricane so... as you probably can imagine posting was not the first thing on my mind. So sorry for the delay. I hope you enjoy!!!

Seraphina POV

I felt the slight breeze fanning my hot skin. A trickle of something trailed down the back of my neck and down the collar of my shirt drawing a line down my back.

"She has a phobia." I heard a male voice as I cracked my heavy eyelids open.

The room was dark with only a sliver of light seeping throw the dull blinds. My mouth felt like sandpaper, my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth.

"Here." A plastic bottle of water was shoved into my hand. Dazed I didn't bother to question it. I just wanted something to help my parched mouth.

I gulped down the water in huge swallows crushing the plastic as I finished.

"Extraordinary," Jensen exclaimed.

I tossed the bottle to my side. Rubbing my eyes I cleared away the dizziness I felt and trained my vision on the middle-aged man going to work on a vile of dark liquid.

I didn't even want to ask what was in it.

"I haven't seen such a thing in my life. I'll have to run a bunch more tests but these results... I can't imagine..."

"Can't imagine what?" Ivy pondered.

I would have asked the question myself but I was still trying to focus from my sleep. Having a needle phobia was doing nothing but giving me headaches.

"I'm not really sure." Jensen muttered moving the vial of blood in the air like it would magic change color. I swore the man was crazed but I wasn't a good judge of that. I didn't faint after all at the sight of a small little needle.

And I was supposed to be a Luna? As if.

Rubbing my temples I stood up. "Jensen when you figure out what's wrong with me, and I know there's a lot," I paused knowing damn well there was more wrong with me than I cared to admit. "-you know where to find me."

I continued to rub my head as I stood up making my way toward the exit. My body felt lethargic with energy.

"Come on, I'll help you back to the cabin." Ivy leaned up against my body helping me take my first couple wobbly steps. Maybe I should have sat down a little longer. "Jensen!" Ivy yelled annoyance thick in her voice. "What the fuck are you doing?"

Dazed, I swung my head around to face the crazed doctor. I was beginning to think he had lost his marbles because the next thing I know the sound of a twig rang in my sensitive ears.

"Don't-" Ivy demanded but whatever she didn't want to happen had already been done. She was quick to let go of me and cover her mouth and nose. Her eyes turned into their neon green aggression knotting in her brow line as she growled.

I was confused for a moment but it didn't take long for me to notice the smell. It was the most vial stench I had every inhaled. I gagged as the smell burned my esophagus with every gasp of air. My eyes pooled with water.

It felt like I had eaten a ghost pepper and rubbed the seeds in my eyes.

Jensen smiled wider while I held my throat. "It's happening." He whispered.

"Jensen what did you do? Turn whatever you did off." I begged using my t-shirt to cover my mouth and nose. I could do nothing for my eyes but cry the pain out of them literally.

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