Seraphina POV
I sat on the couch as I watched Siris poured out wine into the two glasses for us. He had pulled out a never before opened bottle of wine from under his desk. Where he stored it, was beyond me as I eyed the muscles of his bicep as he yanked the cork out.
Sucking my bottom lip into my mouth I tried to ignore the grow desire that pooled in my stomach. It was a mix of delightful anticipation and unrelenting craving.
Siris poured the burgundy liquid into the glasses, the liquid sloshing as it circled the inside of the wine glass.
I watched as Siris pushed the cork back into the bottle effortlessly and make his way around the desk to me. Handing my my glass of wine he sipped on his as he sat down next to me. His longer thick arm rested against the back of the couch his fingertips just shy of my neck.
Just a little closer, I thought. The soft soothing feeling from his touch, from the bond was what I coveted.
I allowed myself to take a few sips of wine the earthy taste coated my tongue as the burn washed down my throat as I swallowed. I couldn't help the face I made at the unexpected flavor.
"What? You don't like it?" Siris asked raising a brow. He took another sip.
I turned more toward him tucking my legs under me. I sniffed the wine my nose crinkling at the scent. It smelt different, tasted different. "No, it's just-" I looked at my glass then make to him. "I've have wine before, not often, but-" I swirled the liquid around. "It tastes- off."
He chuckled before pressing the glass to his lips taking another gulp. "That can happen once a person shifts. Our senses become more attuned, more streamline and precise. You'll get used to it."
"I hope so, I don't want to think about all the things I might not like anymore, that used to love the taste of." I forced the glass to my mouth downing a large swig and setting the wine down on the side table.
My eyes roamed around the office recalling the first time I stumbled in here heart in my throat as I apologized for using his credit card. The memory felt like an eternity ago now. It was a time that I felt so small, so fragile, so naïve.
I shook the thought free. "We- us-" I hummed unsure how to proceed. The silence in the room was heavy and I begged for anything to spoil the silence. "Are you scared of me? Of what I am?" I said the question before thinking about if I truly wanted the answer to such questions.
He could say he was terrified of me and I'd have to find a way to be okay with that. But I was just beginning to feel like me self again. I was starting to gain my footing, discover my potential. His answer would make or break me and I didn't know if... God, I didn't want to imagine myself like that.
He rest a finger under my chin forcing my eyes to meet his while he said, "No." Siris tossed the last of his wine back before rising up and making his way to the wine bottle on the desk. "Phina, you don't scare me. Have you seen me?" He smirked. "I've made full grown men shit themselves just at the sight of me."
"But I'm different. I'm not normal."
"And who is?" He questioned sitting back down next to me. "Seriously, Phina. Who in this god forsaken world is normal? I mean look at Des, nothing about him is normal."

For the Taking ✅
FantasyThe girl with no wolf. An extra mouth to feed. A liability. A defenseless miscreation. Seraphina had heard it all. She had felt it all too. The bone aching bruises, the defenseless claw scratches just shy of her neck on the edges of her collarbone...