65 • Protect

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Seraphina POV

One more day.

That was it. We had one more day until the meeting with Philip. I had spent every day, multiple times a day, trying to call my parents. They never picked up.

Siris was about to just take my phone away after the last voicemail I left just an hour ago. I couldn't stop myself from crying in desperation on the phone. I might have been trying to uphold this tough front but it had grown increasingly more difficult and I found myself crumbling under the pressure more times than I cared to count. It didn't help either that it drove Siris mad.

I was drowning under the pressure of the unknown and he wasn't able to ease the pain. Knowing Siris he blamed himself though he'd never share that small fact with me. Not right now when I could barely keep my head above the water.

But he did help in other ways, whether he knew it or not. Siris and I spent most of our time together now. We slept in the same room, woke up at the same time, ate together at every meal. We had become inseparable.

This was the after mating bond mania. When two wolves accept the bond they become obsessed with the other and now I understood why some never left their homes for weeks after marking one another. It was a miracle now that Siris and I could tolerate being away from one another for an hour.

Ivy was currently throwing piece of tied up hay in front of my face most of them smacking me in the face before I could burn them up. The point of this exercise was for me to practice being able to harness the fire beneath my skin on command, but I was doing anything but controlling the fire at will.

No, I wasn't able to call upon it at any moment. In fact, it seems to hide itself deeper inside me with every attempt I tried to use it. The only time I had been able to bring my finger tips to flames was when Ivy had throw two bundles of hay at my face one after the other without any warning.

I was pissed when the first one smacked my in the face. The fire ignited across my palm effortlessly singeing the fibers mid air.

We had stared at the few embers that still burned. "Sheesh, if that's all you're able to do I don't think even a squirrel would be scared of you."

I scowled at her rubbing my stinging face. Hay wasn't exactly soft. "Thanks, for the words of encouragement."

"Oh- don't get upset it'll take awhile to learn how to use that."

"That?" I had let out a dry chuckle.

"You know- the fire."

"Mmm..." I hummed, it was the only thing I could offer her as a reply.

I downed a few gulped of water my mind drifting off to Siris the moment the liquid rushed down my throat. The itch to go find him was driving me crazy.

My eyes achingly scanned the cabins and cottages for any sign of him. I knew I was distracting myself but I couldn't exactly focus to begin with. Maybe, if I found him and was just able to lay my eyes on him it'd settle that need. Maybe, if I could just see those hazel eyes once more I-


Hay slapped me in the face again momentarily blinding me. Thrown off balance my ass hit the cold ground with a loud thud.

"What's wrong with you?" I growled.

Ivy smirked looking me up and down before finding the dirty under her nails more interesting. "Focus." She rolled her eyes. "Cool eyes by the way."

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