54 • Threat

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Osiris POV

I had been out later than I had intended to. My mind was being freely occupied with images and thoughts of Phina. She was finally letting me in, letting me closer. I didn't want to be gone from her for long. She had what I could only imagine was the worst day of her life and I didn't want her to think I was blowing her off or not finding her as a priority.

If I didn't have others relying on me I wouldn't have left her, hell I would have changed a lot of the things I'd done. For one I wouldn't have lied to her.

I wouldn't of had to, but I guess I could blame Malacoda for that.

My snot sniffed along a tall sugar pine tree. Andy was long gone now but with the knowledge of the fact he was working with Philip his ties with Malacoda were far too close for my comfort. I wouldn't allow Phina to fall victim to that family like Ileana had. I would have to be long dead before they'd lay a hand on her. 

I had caught on to a faint but familiar scent but it was dodgy, the scent on lingering just enough to sense but not enough to give me any information one what or who it was.

Paws crunched into the snow but I remained inhaling the scent on the bark of the sugar pine tree.

'Any luck?' Desmond pondered stepping right in my line of scent reading. My teeth bared without a second thought. The irritation and frustration was all too close to the surface my wolf jumping at any opportunity to be aggressive. 'Sheesh! Relax, it was just a question.'

Desmond's wolf backed away as I turned back to the scent trail.

'Someone was here.' He lowered his head and took a deep inhale. His eyes glowed a shade lighter and his jaw tightened.

'Is-is that Shadow Peak I smell?'  My eyes snapped onto his. Desmond was always better at deciphering scents. He had a nose on him, I just wished he used it for this instead of sticking it in places it didn't belong. 'We are going to have big problems if Shadow Peak is coming this far out here. They aren't out here just-'

'I know.' I cut him off.

I knew what this could mean, I knew what this did mean. Malacoda wasn't dumb. He knew I was coming for Ileana, he knew that I had been trying to find Ileana, but things have changed. A lot has changed.

I had a mate that was just as defenseless as Ileana with an alpha obsessed with her for no reason. I never thought anything would ever tear me from my goal of freeing Ileana but I was wrong. Phina had changed that all in the blink of an eye.

'Do you think Malacoda would try and invade?'

'For what? He'd have to have a probable cause for attacking first or else the council will rid him of his title.' I reminded Desmond.

He had let out an exasperating huff, the puff of hot air flew in the icy atmosphere like steaming clouds. 'If he didn't lose it all this time with what he did to Ileana and our parents I don't think there's much stopping him from coming after us. He's probably gotten on to Ileana's plan, she could be dead by now Osiris.'

My teeth flashed in his face. How far he talking about Ileana like she was something of the past. We could still save her, we could still find her. Malacoda wouldn't kill the one thing that keep him sane, or at least as sane as an evil man could be. He was the closest thing to unhinged you could get before labeling him psychotic.

'Why would you say something like that?'

Desmond's ears flattened against his skull. 'I'm only trying to be realistic. Are you?'

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