46 • Relax

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Seraphina POV

I stared absent-mindedly at my bowl of cereal. The fruity pebbles had long become soggy; it wasn't like I wasn't going to eat anything anyways, not after last night at least.

The bombshell that Mara had dropped on me had shaken me to my core. Philip was after me, there was no doubt about that anymore, but for what? I'd done nothing. I had to tell Osiris but it only seemed to make me feel as though I was only seeking help from him because I was fearful for my own life.

I was. I feared that Philip would one day just show up and take me. He was already sending his minions what's to say he wouldn't try to do it himself just to make sure it was a success this time?

My stomach was knotted and coiled as a tall figure made its way into the room. I paid no mind as I continued to stir the spoon around in my bowl.

"Uh- is everything alright?"

The voice was oddly soothing to my ears, it uncoiled the knots in my stomach that I had formed. I peered up at them hiding away any sense of apprehension that I felt. He didn't need to know anything yet. I would tell him, I just had to find the right way of doing so. If I said it wrong, used the wrong words, or simply just dropped it on him, I feared that he'd think that I had done all this on purpose. He'd think k was in on it. He already was a man that remained on edge. Something like this could throw him over board.

I faked a smile. "Oh- yea, I'm fine. I'm just not much of a morning person."

I peered over at the counter where Osiris was busy pouring himself a mug of coffee. The hot steam of the coffee drifted in swirling patterns above the mug. Entranced, I continued to watch as he brought the piping hot cup to his full lips. My eyes trailed up from him lips until they unfortunately and embarrassingly connected with his.

My face flamed with the searing hot sensation of a scalding blush. He stared with amusement as I turned away hastily.

I had previously  despised this man, until now and it was becoming increasingly harder to avoid him.

"Sorry." He whispered with sincerity as he turned away an attempt to make me feel more comfortable, I imagine.

The small action indulged my growing curiosity. Why was he suddenly caring how I felt? He was already trying to show more effort; that he cared for me.

A small part of me wanted to believe it was one-hundred percent true but it still felt forced. Andy's words lingered in my head further amplifying the possibility that Osiris was still trying to secretly gain something from his help.

Was he just trying to gain my trust just to use me, keep me stuck here for ever? I shook my head ridding them of the less than pleasant thoughts.

"So," I begin, suppressing the thoughts that screamed at me to be more open-minded. "- what are we planning on doing today?"

Osiris peered over his shoulder as if testing to make sure I wasn't spooked. Once he saw I wasn't frightened or what ever he might have thought I would have react he spun around leaning his elbows against the island as he took another sip of his coffee.

"Well, you said that I effect your curse, right?" I nodded. "I think that the more time that we spend together the more your wolf side will come out."

I raised my brow at him. "This sounds like something only you gain from, Osiris. We had an agreement."

He raised his hand in a submissive motion. "Not at all. It's just food for thought, if you think that there is something better we can do we can do that. The ball is in your court."

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