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" my place or yours?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the road.

" Whichever is closer.." she mumbled.

" Looks like mine is closer. Is that ok? I can give you some clean clothes to wear. I don't think you have anything at your place that would fit me" I reasoned.

" Perfect." Came the sleepy response.

We drove in silence. A quick glance at my girlfriend, showed she was half asleep. I chuckled quietly. How was it fair that even dirty , sweaty and covered in mud, she managed to look gorgeous.

" Oh crap!" Isabella bolted upright scaring me so badly I nearly swerved off the road

" My gosh what is wrong!?" I yelled righting the car. She began frantically rummaging around my car looking for something.

" What are you looking for?" I asked. She looked up at me.

" Your phone. Candace is gonna kill us. Her wedding is in four days, there was a.meeting a few hours ago and we just vanished for two days!" She yelled. I sighed. I pulled the car over to the side of the road. Reaching over I gently grasped her hands, stopping her frantic search. She looked up at me. I smiled.

" Look. I get it. We do need to address this whole thing with Candace. But look at us. We are living mud monsters. And you are exhausted. Let's get you showered, fed and maybe squeeze a nap in. Then we can call Candace. Plus my phone was almost dead when we left your place."

She was quiet for a moment. She nodded and leaned back into her seat and closed her eyes.

" You good now?" I asked. She nodded.

" Yes sir. Drive on oh ye wise one." She said cracking open her eyes and smiling. I shook my head grinning and returned to the road.

After twenty or so minutes my apartment building came into view

" Oh thank goodness." Isabella breathed. I pulled into my parking spot.

" What? You tired of me already?" I teased. She giggled.

" Nah. I'm just tired of not being able to bend my arms because of this solid mud coating." She demonstrated as she spoke, sending a wave of dirt on to the floor. She winced and glanced at me.

" Oh. Your car is nasty. Sorry about that! I can help you clean it out later!" She fretted. I smiled

" No worries. It's not that hard to clean. Let's head inside. She frowned, but nodded. I handed her the keys and rummaged around for my dead phone. Isabella Quickly exited the car and walking confidently towards the front door. I paused and watched as she dissapeared into my apartment.

I shook my head furiously, unfreezing my tired body. And after locating my phone, followed Isabella into the room. She was standing near the front door, waiting for me. Her face lit up when I entered.

" Hey. What are you waiting for?" I asked passing her heading to my room to grab some clothes for her.

". Well. I assumed you wanted to go first. Because this is your house..." She called after me. I laughed. And returned to her side.

" Nope. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I went first?" I handed her the small sweat pants and an old baggy t-shirt.

" A smart one..." She muttered. I glared at her playfully. She rolled her eyes, sighing and walking towards the bathroom.

" Don't steal all the hot water!" I called. She sent me a grin and stuck her tongue out.

" I won't!"  She called, closing the door. Not wanting to track dirt all over the small room anymore than I already had, I sunk down on the floor by the door. Leaning against the wall. I could hear the steady sound of the shower and Isabella's soft singing.

The hurricane (Phinbella) completeWhere stories live. Discover now