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I could feel Phineas's breathing deepening. I smiled to myself knowing he was asleep. I didn't make any effort to move. I was quite comfortable. I had been a bit hesitant when I'd first laid on his chest. But he hadn't seemed to mind. I went back to my book, for a few minutes. A weight fell on my middle. I jumped before realising it was just Phineas's hand. He had moved without me noticing.  His arm was now draped over my waist. I giggled before returning to my book. About an hour later. I finished the book. Phineas still hadn't stirred. I lay there, thinking. It was absurd that it had been  over two weeks since I'd been stranded here. I had become so comfortable here. I had no idea how long I was gonna be here. But if I had to be stuck anywhere with anyone. I'm glad it's here with Phineas. We had finally broken through that akward stage. And I had gotten my best friend back.

Phineas groaned. I looked up at him as his eyes opened. His gaze fell on me and he jerked, Eyes wide, race pale.

" Oh Isabella! I'm sorry. I didn't mean too." He said visibly flustered. I sat up, smirked and caught his arm.

" Don't worry about it. If I had wanted to move I could have. It's not a big deal." I said calmly. If anything that made him more flustered. He ran a hand down his red face.

" Still. I'm sorry." He murmured. I giggled.

" Don't be. That book was quite interesting. I think I might need to borrow the next one." I said changing the subject. He nodded distractedly

" Yeah sure whatever you want."  I waved my hand in front of his face.

" Earth to Phineas." I said loudly. His gaze snapped back to me instantly. I felt my cheeks turn slightly red under the intensity of his gaze. I looked away. Silence fell.

" What are you thinking about?" He asked breaking it. I scrambled for something to say other than 'you'

" Uh. I was just thinking about the storm. It's been going for over two weeks. I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever see the sun." I said with a nervous laugh. Phineas raised an eyebrow. He didn't believe me but shrugged and went with it.

" Yeah. I was thinking about that too. Bet you can't wait to get home. Sick of me yet?" He asked teasingly.

" Nah. Impossible. If anything your tired of me." I said laughing. He tilted his head and his gaze turned serious once more.

" I could never be tired of you Isabella."  He said looking at me. I blushed but didn't turn away.

" Well. If I had to be stuck somewhere with anyone... I'm glad it's hear with you." I said voicing my earlier thought process.

" Likewise." Came the reply. We looked at one another smiling. BOOM!
Thunder cracked loudly. I jumped grabbing Phineas's arm tighter than before. He laughed and covered the hand on his arm with his free hand.

" You alright?" He asked. I shakily nodded. Before slowly removing my hand and from his arm, still feeling shaken up. To my surprise. He grabbed it again and gripped it tightly.

" You sure?" He asked concern lacing his voice. I nodded.

" Yeah. I just wasn't quiet ready for that." I smiled at him. His shoulders relaxed and he took on an easy grin. I noticed that he hadn't let go of my hand. I didn't pull away. Having his hand on mine have me a sense of safety. I smiled at him. He tilted his head and looked at me as if I was a puzzle. One that he couldn't figure out. Then his gaze shifted and his features softened. I felt my cheeks warming. I tried to stop the blush by standing up, gently pulling my hand from his. I stretched and brushed off my... Or rather Phineas's shirt and walked to the kitchen.

" Hungry?" I asked.

" Yeah sure." Came the distracted reply. I didn't look at him, listing of the food we had

" Well. We have granola bars, dry cereal with no milk, nutter butters, graham crackers, several varieties of chips and for some reason a package of dried jalapeños." I grabbed the last item

" Why the heck do you even have this." I said laughing. Turning back to him. Phineas hasn't moved he was still watching me with a soft smile on his lips. I raised my eyebrows.

" What are you looking at?" I asked. His cheeks turned slightly pink. But he quickly recovered. Switching his smile into a smirk on an instant.

" I was watching you. Go on and on about the random package of dried jalapeños I have. You weirdo." He said. I glared at him and chucked the package at him. They hit him square in the face. The bag exploded in impact showering phineas in dried peppers. The look on his face was so hilarious I couldn't stand up because I was laughing so hard.

" Yeah yeah hilarious. I guess I deserved that." He mumbled brushing dried peppers off his clothes. He stood up and walked over to me. I hopped up from the floor grinning. He mock glared at me.

" Remind me never to call you weirdo again ." He said smirking. I grinned

" Don't call me weirdo again. Or there may be more spicy missiles  coming your way. You still have one in your hair." I said cheekily, instinctively I reached up and gently grabbed the stray jalapeño from his hair. When I realised what is done I jerked my hand back.

" Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to it just happened." I stuttered embarrassed. He laughed

" Don't be. I don't mind. I probably never would have found it if not for you " he smiled at me before turning to take his turn searching the pantry for something to eat.

I watched his tall, strong form. I realised I  really did love everything about his. From his fiery hair to his dumb sense of humor, to those blue eyes that had held me captive since I was a little girl. I smiled to myself. A small part of me wishing the storm would never end. Just so I could stay here in this apartment. With Phineas. The man I had fallen in love with all over again

Whoo hoo!!! Another chapter done. Sorry for inconsistent updates. I don't have a lot of time to write in-between, school and work. I'll try to keep them coming as fast as I can. Thanks for reading!!!!!


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