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I woke up for the second time that night,  I blushed when I realised I was in Phineas's arms. I must have fallen asleep on him after my nightmare. I closed my eyes once more and turned around so I was facing him. To my surprise, he gently leaned down and kissed my forehead. My cheeks heated up so fast I thought it was a miracle I hadn't set his shirt on fire.  My heart beat faster and my thoughts ran in disoriented circles. But the thought that overran all others was How right it felt, just being here with Phineas. I sighed and nuzzled deeper into his chest, I quickly fell asleep once more with a small smile on my face.

I woke up and groaned, squeezing my eyes shut against the sunlight trying to get through my eyelids. Wait... Sunshine!! My eyes popped open and I looked up at the window. The storm was gone.

" Phin! Phin!" I yelled shaking the sleeping man gently.

" Huh? What?" He said sleepily.

" Look outside! The storm is over!" I squealed. I pulled myself out of his arms and padded over to the window. My jaw dropped when I saw the wreckage. Trees were fallen everywhere, cars were strewn across the parking lot in many odd positions. Garbage, leaves, sticks, fence pieces and small pieces of houses littered the ground everywhere.

" Oh my gosh" I whispered. Phineas came over and stood next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around my waist. I had a sudden picture pass through my head. Phineas and I standing here, like this 20 years in the future. I smiled at the thought. Sadly my phone interrupted the moment by choosing that moment to ring and get reception back.  I pulled it out of my pocket and answered

" Hello?" I said

" Isabella!!!! Are you ok? When can you come home!??" It was Tracy, she was panicked

" Trace! I'm fine. I'm not sure when I can come home. The roads are a mess right now. I'll be fine where I am. Phineas has taken good care of me." I said with a calming tone

" ooh! Phineas huh? You will tell me details when you get back right?" I felt myself blushing and quickly turned away from Phineas.

" Uh, sure. But like I said I don't really know when I'll be able to leave..."

" We can't leave for a couple more days until they can start clean up and declare it safe. Even then they are going to close most highways and freeways for longer." Phineas chimed in looking up from his newly updated phone. I gave him a strange look. And went back to Tracy.

" Phineas says at least another week or so. but I'll see you then?" I asked.

" Yep, stay safe and hurry up I miss you!" She whined. I giggled.

" Yeah I miss you too. I'll be back as soon as I can. Bye?"

" Bye Is!" She hung up the phone. Phineas was giving me a strange look.

" What?" I asked. He shrugged and turned away.  " Phineas? What aren't you telling me?" I asked. He shrugged again and left the room. I stared after him with a confused look on my face.

The next day and a half was awful. Phineas wouldn't speak to me. Nothing I tried would get him to say a word. I was beginning to get angry.

" Phineas? What's wrong?" I asked again, later in the evening of my last day. He shrugged again and i lost it

" Alright that's enough!" I snapped.
" you haven't spoken a word to me for about two days. And you can't even bother to tell me why?" He stared at me for a moment, before standing up and walking away. I slammed my hands on the table in frustration. I then sat down on the couch and tried to sleep. But I couldn't. I was up all night thinking about Phineas. What was I gonna do? What did I do? I was so lost. I realised I had overreacted earlier and instant felt guilty about it. I looked around at the familiar dark shapes of Phineas's apartment. I felt a pang of sadness at the thought of leaving this place. My thoughts drifted back to Phineas. I couldn't sleep when I'd left the evening on such a bad note again Sighing I stood up and walked quietly towards his room. The light was still on, so I opened the door quietly and saw him sitting up on his bed.

" Phineas?" I said. He jumped but quickly recovered. I sat down next to him

" Hey I'm sorry for yelling. I just don't know what I did to deserve a Ferb 2.0, for the past two days." I said. He looked at me. Sighed and spoke for the first time in two days.

" Ah man Izzy. I'm sorry. I'm just gonna miss you. A lot. I'm gonna be completely honest. I'm scared you'll get back to your friends and cut me out of your life again. And I don't think I can handle that after I just got you back again. I was acting immature and I'm sorry." He said. I smiled.

" You silly goose. I am not gonna cut you out again. And I'll miss you too." I leaned and and hugged him. He instantly wrapped his arms around me. We stayed together, simply holding one another for a long time. I pulled away and smiled at Phineas.

" One more night in the living room?" I asked. He smirked.

" Naturally."

The next morning, Phineas made me breakfast. We sat and talked just like we'd done every morning for a month. I suddenly couldn't imagine a life without Phineas in it. I felt another pang of sadness. I had almost been hoping the storm would never end. But it had. I still had at least one more week to spend with Phineas. I looked up to find said man looking at me. I grinned at him. He turned away suddenly very interested in the box of crackers in front of him. I rolled my eyes and shook my head in a teasing manner.

" I saw that!" He said indignantly. I glanced at him again to find him mock glaring at me. I smirked

" Well. I hope you found those crackers interesting enough for your liking." I said. He responded by throwing said crackers at me. I ducked laughing.

" Aw man. A waste of great cracker!" He said laughing as he picked it up. He looked at it for a second. Than he looked at me.

" Don't you dare! That floor is disgusting!" I exclaimed. He smirked and stuffed in his mouth.

" Eww!" I squealed making a face. His face mirrored mine.

" Yep you were right. I need to get some more cleaning supplies" he strolled to the pantry.

" And food. Having two people here drained my food supply faster than normal." He said surveying the near empty closet. I winced

" Sorry." I mumbled. He walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

" Nah. Don't worry about it. I like having you around" he gave my  shoulder a squeeze and I blushed.

" I will be helping replenish that." I stated. He laughed

" No way. I am not gonna let you." He said. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

" Can I at least help you shop?" I asked. He hesitated for a second.

" Yeah sure, but you are not paying for it." He said finally I sighed feeling guilty. He moved his hand from my shoulder down to my hand, squeezing it gently.

" Don't feel guilty. I really don't mind replenishing my food. Especially because it meant that I got to spend time with you." My face was so red I'm sure I resembled a tomato.

" Thanks." I mumbled.

" Yeah. Now we just have to make what we have now last for a few more days, until we get the clearance to leave." He said releasing my hand. I missed it's familiar warmth

" Alright sounds like a plan." I said grinning. I stood up and walked over to the couch. And sat down. I pulled out my phone and texted my mom, letting her know I was alright. A weight, fell beside me. I glanced over at Phineas who had sat next to me. Then he slung his arm casually around my back, his hand resting on my waist. I glanced at him. He wasn't looking at me. He was scrolling through his phone. I smiled softly to myself.  It amazed me how natural this felt. Phineas never moved his arm. I eventually ended up leaning up against him. He smiled at me at my initial movement to lean on him. We didn't say anything. We didn't need to. We were content just to be together. And that is how we spent the rest of our day.

Hey guys. I'm kind of at a writers block. If you guys have any ideas for what should happen in this story. Please message me. I would love to hear your ideas. ( I don't do lemons) Thanks for reading!


The hurricane (Phinbella) completeWhere stories live. Discover now