the big day(Phineas)

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As the day of the shower and my proposal came closer and closer. I felt more and more terrified. Was this level of terror normal? I had no idea. I had never done something like this before. I worked with my friends and family to put together the perfect date for Isabella. She deserved the best... No, better than the best.

I would often find myself sitting down on my couch, staring at the ring I had picked out. Ferb, Erick and to my surprise, Josh had come to help me choose. I had decided on a simple silver band with a beautiful pure white diamond perched on top. It was perfect. As I stared at it. I would feel a surge of confidence. But as soon as I put it back in the pale pink box,my courage would drain quickly. Replaced with my uncertainty.

On one such occasion, two days before the said date. I closed my eyes and leaned back on the couch, attempting to put my mind at ease

" What am I so worried about?" I muttered.  What was the worst that could happen? She says no? I could feel the blood draining from my face. Yep, that was definitely the worst thing.

My phone rang, breaking me from my train of thought. I fumbled with it before answering.

" Hello?"

" Hey Phineas.. it's Josh. I just thought I'd call to let you know we got everything you asked for. It all ready to go." I was quiet for a moment. I hadn't been expecting Josh.

" Oh. Uh. Thank you." I said quietly.

" How you doing man?" He asked. I almost laughed.

" Not great. I'm terrified." I admitted

" Why?" He asked bluntly. I sighed and rubbed my temple.

" What if... What if she says no?" I whispered. Josh laughed. Loudly.

" Dude!" He gasped. I glared at the wall, feeling annoyed.

" What is so funny?" I demanded

" Sorry sorry. It's just..." He started, calming himself.
" It's just that. There is no way she's gonna say no!"

" How do you know that?"

" Look. I dated her for a long time. She told me she  loved me. But I have never seen her look at anyone, not even me, the way she looks at you."

" Uhhh." Was all I could say.

" Yeah. Even though I was horrible to her. I still could see it. That day at her dorm. She looked at you like you were her world. So trust me on this one."

" When did you get so wise?" I asked in awe. He chuckled

" I'm only wise around those I consider friends." 

" well we've certainly come a long way haven't we?" I said grimacing " I mean a while ago, I was this close to killing you."

" Ooh. I deserved that." He admitted.
" Do you still want to kill me now?"

" No. " I replied instantly. We were quiet for a moment.

" You're a good friend Josh."

" Thank you Phineas." Came the reply.
" Well. I have got to go. Good luck with your proposal. " He said.

" Thanks. I need it."

" You've got this bro." He encouraged. I smiled.

" Hope your right. Later."

" Yeah. See ya." He hung up. I slumped back into the couch, a small smile on my face. I even had Josh's support on this. For some reason I felt much more confident about everything. I could do this!

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