Chapter 4

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Whatever, I thought to myself turning in bed.


"Alohomora" I could hear Blaise say under his breath. Without warning Blaise rips the covers of my body.

"Shit Gold" Blaise says, turning around facing the wall. Why is he... SHIT IM ONLY IN A T-SHIRT.

"I'll leave you to get ready, be ready in five" Blaise left the room. I stood up and made my way to the bathroom to get ready. Well that was embarrassing.

**About 7 minutes later**

Knock Knock

"Come on in Blaise," I said, pulling my hair up in a ponytail.

(if you have short hair then pick a different style)

"Ready?" "Ready"

We walked out of my room, I didn't bother locking it cause it was at the end of the hall with only one other room across from it, wonder who's dorm that is? Eh whatever. We then walked out of the common room and headed down the halls.

"What class do you have first?" he asks as he looks down at his schedule in his hands.

" Herbology, you" "Care for magical Creatures"

I pull my schedule out from my bag and read...


Herbology- 9:00-10:23

Potions- 10:27-11:47

Lunch- 11:50-12:45

DADA- 12:50-1:35

Deviation- 1:40-2:31


Astronomy- 11:00-1:00

" Here, can I see?" Blaise says as he reaches out to your paper. He takes not even a minute to look at it and yells

"WE HAVE THE SAME CLASSES EXCEPT FOR-" "shh, your so loud" "sorry... except our first class, off course."

"Okay Y/N/N, this is my stop see you soon" I turn my heels and begin to walk to my class. Where am I even going?

I slowly make my way down the hall when I see two tall gingers turn the corner.

"I've got Herbology, you?" the one asks " same" they begin to walk off when I speed up,

"Um excuse me I couldn't help but over here you two have Herbology, i don't know where I'm going and was wond-"

" Come on Gold we got you" the one says

"I'm Fred and that's George" how the hell do I tell them apart!

"Nice to meet you two, I'm Y/N, I'm taking you two are twins?"

"Yupe" they say in unison.

**Small Time Skip**

After class, Fred and George left early to head to their next class. So now I'm walking back up the long ass hill by myself.

"Hey Gold, wait up" I hear a high pitch voice say from behind me. I turn to see a tall plump girl with long black hair in a ponytail, running up the hill to catch up with me.

" I'm Pansy Parkinson, Slytherin" she says proudly showing me her Slytherin badge on her robe.

"Which class do you have next?" "Positions, by the way could you tell me how to get there?" "yeah so down that hall, down the stairs last door on your left"

"Oh thanks you're a lifesaver pansy, I'll see you later, bye" I began to walk down the hall when pansy calls after me, "Gold sit with me at lunch" she says and walks off around the corner"

Okay what did she say... down that hall, down the stairs last door on your left. Ah ha found it.

"Miss Gold you're late" I look up and see Snape standing there with a whole class in front of him. Shittt!! "Sorry professor, i got lost" "Sit" he says not given looking at me. I look around and see Blaise trying not to laugh his ass off, but luckily he had a seat next to him from his left, a bleach blond boy on his right. I walk over and glare at Blaise as I walk behind him and slap him on the back of his head. "HEY WHAT THE HELL" he yells. I could hear the blond chuckle, "Mr. Zabini is there a problem?" "No sir," he says glaring at me.

**Draco's POV**

Professor Snape was talking some potions or some shit, I really didn't listen, I got A's in this class easily.


"Ms. Gold you're late"

I look up to see Y/N standing there dumbfounded like she has just seen a ghost.

"Sorry sir, I got lost"

she says looking around the class. I could tell she say Blaise and he was trying not to laugh at her.

"Sit" She walks towards us and around the back and slaps Blaise's on the back of his head. I let out a small chuckle.

"HEY, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR" he yells. "Mr. Zabini is there a problem" Snape says, glaring at him. "No sir" Blaise then looks at me and huffs.

We were taking notes when I hear giggling coming from next to me, I saw Y/N and Blaise whispering and trying not to burst out laughing. She had a nice laugh and she was very pretty. She then looks at me and looks away and bursts out laughing, same with Blaise. "MR. ZABINI, MISS. GOLD THATS IT DETENTION. MY OFFICE BEFORE DINNER"

**Y/N POV**

Blaise was telling me about people in the class, and got to so called Draco Malfoy and how he turned into a Ferret last year.

I giggled at the story, then I looked over and saw ferret boy looking at me and my first reaction was to smile back but then Blaise said

"the professor put him in one of the boys pants"

I burst out in laughter followed by Blaise.


The rest of the day went by pretty quick. Blaise and Malfoy were in all my classes, I didn't pay attention to Malfoy at all. Blaise and I just goofed and lost our house 10 points. At lunch Pansy was very kind to me. I was shocked. I've heard that she is a bitch to a lot of people.

It was now time for detention and Blaise and I were walking down the hall to Snape's room when he came around a corner and said

" Detention is canceled, everyone must be in the great hall for an announcement" "but-" "NOW" Blaise looks at me and I just shrug.

**Cliff Hanger**

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