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"I-i- well of course I'll take you on a date! Hell, it'll be the most extrav- extra- coolest date ever!" exclaimed Elliot.
He pulled me into a hug and spoke.
"I was worried you didn't like me like that.."

I pulled out of the hug and looked at him, admiring those brown eyes. They were so easy to admire.

I could look at them all day

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I could look at them all day.

That's when I realized that why couldn't I see them every day? Why can't I spend time with Elliot as much as I wanted? The only thing stopping that— was myself.

These overwhelming emotions told me what I had already suspected.

I was falling for Elliot, and he was falling for me.

I grabbed his shirt by the slack of his collar and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

The background noise of the T.V was drowned out by our moment, and I began to feel Elliot's shock melt away. His hand slowly made his way to my cheek, caressing my smooth skin.

I smiled and looked back at him for a moment. He looked so content; his pupils were enlarged. He took a deep breath and never broke eye contact with me.

"Elliot..." I struggled to find words. "I'm really, really glad we met. And I think it's pretty evident that I've developed, well.. a major crush on you." I smirked sheepishly, while I watched him give me a genuine smile.

"I know, (Y/N). So have I."

I was half expecting him to make some sort of cocky joke, but he was extremely tame. I could get used to that, but I love his charming humor, too.

"Now that I've won over the prettiest woman in the universe.." he started. "You get to witness the TICKLE MONSTER!!"

I spoke too soon.

Before I knew it, Elliot had pinned me to the couch in a matter of seconds! He sent one of his little.. uh- clone thingies to tickle me simultaneously. It was hilarious.

"HEY! That's not fair!" I laugh hysterically. "You better quit it, mister!"

I leaned over and pecked him (or what I thought was him) on the cheek, only to be bamboozled. He was so jealous!

"What the crap!" He chuckled. "That's not fair. Give me a kiss now," He gestured to his cheek and waited.

"Nope, you got bamboozled this time!"

I hopped up from the couch, still in his shirt and ran to look for my clothes.

"Hey you come back here!" I heard him callout behind me. "You don't even know where you're going, silly!"

But I did, in a sense. I was going to be with him, I was going to win the Apex Games with him and be by his side for the foreseeable future, as long as he wanted me.

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