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     I continued to lose my cool, cradling myself in a ball. I did not do well in these types of situations— well, I've actually never been in this situation where I wake up unbeknownst to where I am. But I wasn't handling it good, that's all I know. 

I looked around the room and noticed posters— lots and lots of posters. Figurines, magazines, all this nostalgic stuff from when Elliot was younger, I suppose in the Apex Games. I concluded that Elliot must've taken me in after last nights news.

I begin to relax a bit once I realize where I must be.

Trying to recollect my thoughts from the previous night (even though it was a blur), I steadied myself on my feet and noticed i only had a plain white t-shirt on.

It wasn't mine, either.

I look down and observe the material; it must've been Elliots. His cologne was still lingering, perhaps from the night before. I internally swoon as I smell his scent.

I see a set of stairs, but before that there's a bathroom, so I enter. In the mirror I see.. a mess. My bed-head was horrible, and makeup was smeared on half of my face. I quickly turn the faucet on and wash my face with water.

Yikes. Good thing Elliot didn't see me when I woke up.

As if on cue, I hear footsteps ascend upstairs.

"(Y/N)?" I hear a familiar voice call.

"I'm in here,"

Elliot walked into view, dashingly handsome- more than normal. I give him a smile and blush rises to my cheeks.

"AwwwWWW!" He gushes with his classic booming voice. "I have never seen someone look so CUTE in the morning."

I look at him blankly. "Elliot, I look like I got hit by a bus."

He burst into laughter, taking his decoy sleeves off since he no longer was watching the bar. I heard him switch on the T.V.

I giggled along with him and continued to wash my makeup off, then joining him on the couch.

"Hey, I appreciate you taking care of me last night," I spoke sincerely. "You didn't have to, but I was pretty hammered.."

He chuckled and nod, full of understanding.

"Been there. I could've used a friend like myself." He joked.

We continued to watch the T.V in silence for a while, before an advertisement for the Apex Games appeared.

Elliots face slowly grimaced as he came to a realization, almost as if he remembered something. He grabbed the bridge of his nose with his forefinger and thumb.

"(Y/N)... I don't know how to tell you this.." He drew out. "But.. we both got drafted. Together."

He awaited my reaction. "You got a call last night, but you were already passed out, so I answered it for you. I'm so sorry.."

My jaw must've hit the floor, and that's before the tears came.

"N-no no don't cry!" Mirage begged as he scooted closer to me. "It shouldn't be this way..."

It wasn't that I was upset about us being drafted together.

It wasn't even about being drafted in the first place.

I just didn't want to risk losing him.

I sobbed into his arm, probably grossing him out but I didn't care. He seemed to truly care about me, so he shouldn't mind. He knows I would do the same for him.

He rocked me back and forth before grabbing my shoulders and addressing me, seriously.

"We're going to win," he said sharply.

I looked at him and he softened his eyes.

"And after we win,"

He waited for me to finish my sentence.

"will you take me out on a date?"

His eyes lit up like it was Christmas Day.

Mirage X Reader: Apex LegendsWhere stories live. Discover now