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iris and harry made their way out of the nandos doors and onto chilly london streets.

"oh god its freezing." harry said rubbing his hands together. " where are your trousers woman?" he looked down at the skirt iris was wearing and they both laughed.

"hey im wearing tights! and im not even that cold actually." she told him and he scoffed.

"well i bloody well am."

"grow up harold your coats massive!" iris teased the boy and he rolled his eyes.

"do you wanna go get a drink or are you trying to get away from me and get home?" harry asked the girl and she smiled.

"i cant lie i am desperate to get away from you harry." she said and he held his chest in fake hurt.

"iris you really broke my heart just then."

"i did? oh wow you must really like me then."

"oh shut up you wish" he told her and she laughed.

"you wish i wished."

"oh yeah that was a good one." he teased her and she pushed his side.

"shut up." she looked up at him both laughing and almost blushed as his eyes looked down to meet hers but then she pulled them away and stared down the grey london street.

"so what are you gonna do now youve moved to london?" harry asked putting his hands into his pocket and the small girl shrugged.

"i dont know really. i finished uni this year but talia has been begging me to make a youtube channel so im kind of considering that but i dont want to seem like im just copying her you know?"

"nah you should. we can collab." he told her with a smile and she laughed.

"oh yeah maybe i can be the one to break your chair in a video." she joked and harrys eyes widened.

"oh so you watch my videos?" he asked smirking and iris blushed.

"no! i mean i watched some." she shrugged, trying to move past it and hoping he would forget and not make it a big deal

"oh yeah? when?" he asked, intrigued about the new information.

"honestly i havent watched any in like a year. i just watched a few after i had come to visit last year because i was curious." she said and he grinned at her.

"so youre basically my fan? i bet this feels like make a wish to you right now." he joked and she pushed him away from her. her face now bright red.

"shut upp oh my god im not i was just curious." she said lifting her hands to cover her face but he grabbed her wrist pulling them.

"oh come on im kidding." he said and she rolled her eyes ignoring him and carrying on walking without him. "iriss. reply or ill scream right here."

she looked around the busy high street and contemplated begging him not to but decided she didnt think he even would in the first place. well that was until he did.

"IRISSS-!" he screamed and she spun around running up to him.

"harry! stop!" she said reaching up to cover his mouth.

"yeah thats what i thought." he said to her a laugh following and she glared at him wrapping her arm up in his.

"idiot." she said and begun dragging him in the direction of a little pub. "come on."

as harry flopped onto his bed, tired from the day he thought back on the day. hed had a good time with iris, not that he thought he wouldnt but he was glad that there were no awkward moments. he really liked hanging out with her.

he pulled his phone out of his pocket and decided to text her


miss me already??

actually yeah cals got a girl in the living room so im bored

me too talias with simon

do u play among us

i have a few times but im not very good

one sec

incoming facetime from harry answer / decline

iris answered the call, moving and positioning the phone on her desk so that he could see her.

"alright you ready to get destroyed?" harry asked and iris face twisted up before laughing.

"excuse me?" she asked and harry slapped his forehead.

"aw no not like that." the two of them laughed together.

"yeah yeah im sure." iris teased and harry rolled his eyes.

"alright come on then. ill text you the code."

harry 4.37am
iris u awake

no i fell asleep in the 10 minutes since we ended the call.


whats up

i was going to say we should play again soon since i had fun but now im not

i had fun too

well thats no surprise considering youre basically my biggest fan

goodnight harry

im kidding

im sleepy

okay goodnight iris

goodnight harry

goodnight iris



im blocking you

okay ill stop
goodnight iris
(iris loved this message)

i hope u enjoy <3 also if u do pls vote!

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