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iris and harry wandered hand in hand into the bar that they were meeting harry's friends at for drinks

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iris and harry wandered hand in hand into the bar that they were meeting harry's friends at for drinks. she wasnt sure what hed told his friends about her, whether hed told them anything at all. she knew cal had seen her over there though so she assumed that he thought something, but what she had no idea.

"boggo!" a brunette shouted from a table in the middle. iris had seen him before on harrys instagram but other than that she had no idea. next to him on the table was both cals, another mysterious boy and ethan.

the two of them made their way to their table and sat down after greeting everyone. iris learned that the smaller of the two mystery boys was chip and the other gib. they both seemed really nice and also very funny, just like all of harrys friends.

growing up iris never had a lot of friends, not even one solid best friend if you dont count her sisters. she wasnt the type of person that loved to go out and have friends. that was something she admired about harry. how comfortable and fun she felt his friends made him feel. he always looked happiest to her whilst laughing and joking with them.

"do you want a drink?" harry asked her, leaning into her side as the other boys continued their conversation.

"ill go get us one." she told him standing up but he gently took her wrist, telling her hed do it but she insisted. she didnt really want to take him away from his friends. as iris approached the bar, ordering a pint for harry and a pink gin for herself she felt eyes on her. she looked around, trying to notice who it was staring at her but it seemed that nobody was.

"thank you!" she smiled widely at the bar man before taking the drinks and making her way back to the table.

"cheers babe." harry said, not even thinking twice about what hed said before cal smirked at him.

"how are you liking london then?" chip asked iris.

"um i was kinda nervous at first but i love it here." she couldnt help it as her gaze moved to harry. after all, she probably wouldnt love it as much as she did if she didnt become so close to him. "its really fun."

"and bogs to blame." ethan said as the table of bots laughed but harry shook his head.

"ey i dont think thats a bad thing you know. just cause you cant keep a girl around." harry fired back to ethan and the boys all continued their chorus of laughs.

"im gonna be honest bro theres a girl at the bar that has been eying me for the past half hour." ethan replied as everyone turned to see for themselves. "not all at once fucking hell."

"go talk to her then." lux told him and ethan glared in response.

"yeah go on big man." gib patted his back, a chuckle following but ethan just nodded and stood up.

"i will." he left the table making his way over to the bar as everyone tried to sneakily watch. though they failed miserably.

"do any of you know him?" cal asked, nodding toward a table in the corner. there was just a man sitting alone with a drink in his hand as he stared out around the bar.

"no but he keeps staring over here." chip noted and cal nodded.

"yeah the fucking creep." he agreed before their conversation switched back to ethan.

harry stared over at the man, suddenly feeling possessive as he watched his eyes flicker to iris then his own.

"come here." harry said, quiet enough so that only iris could hear and she looked up at him confused. "come here." he repeated before rolling his eyes and grabbing the underneath of her chair and dragging it over so that it was right next to his.

"whats wrong?" she asked and he shook his head.

"nothing dont worry." he hushes her, placing his hand on her thigh under the table and rubbing his thumb back and forth before pressing a kiss to her forehead as she smiled up at him. "you look so pretty."

"you already said that when you picked me up." she told him and he pulled her closer to himself.

"and im saying it again now." he told her, moving in closer to her.

"okay." she whispered, their lips just about to touch before ethan arrived back to the table with a loud sigh.

"she told me to fuck off." he said, slumping back into his chair and everybody laughed.

"really?" chip asked and Ethan rolled his eyes.

"of course fucking not. ive got her number." he smirked, obviously pleased with himself.

"go on lad." cal said holding his hand and ethan hit it.

they had all been at the bar for a few hours now and were all feeling a little buzzed so they wanted to move on to a club.

"if you dont wanna go in ill take you home. just tell me." harry told iris, holding his arm around her waist but she shook her head.

"i want to go harry!" she told him and he nodded.

"yous two coming in or what?" cal asked, leaning out the door way of the glowing club.

"come on then." harry told her, pressing a kiss to her temple before leading her in. "stay close to me." harry couldnt help but feel overprotective after seeing the way that the guy in the bar stared at her earlier. he regretted not going over there and punching the ugly look off of his face.

though, as much as he tried to keep her close to him iris soon found herself on the dance floor with lux, gib, chip and ethan. they were all dancing and laughing, lux had just been on a stripper pole whilst the rest all pretended to throw money on him.

harry and cal sat at the bar of the club talking as harry kept his eyes glued on the girl dancing.

"shes actually so sick." cal said and harry nodded in agreement.

"i know. i still dont understand why she likes me." he said and cal laughed.

"i dont have an answer for that either bog." he said harry rolled his eyes before seeing the boys walking away and iris making her way over to him.

"come and dance with me!" iris slurred, trying to pull harry up but he just stayed in his seat as he and cal laughed at her.

"whered they go?" cal asked and she shrugged.

"for girls." she replied, still staring at harry. "i really wanna dance with you!" she whined, still attempting to pull harry up but instead he just pulled her closer to him and she stood between his parted legs.

"wait for them to come back." he pressed a kiss to her cheek and she nodded.

"bog dont be boring!" cal said and iris nodded a giggle following and harry rolled his eyes.

"fuck off cal." he said but iris pouted.

"please harry." she begged, pulling him again and this time he stood.

"cmon then." he told her allowing her to lead him to the floor excitedly.

the two of them laughed and giggled as they danced around, definitely looking very stupid. harry would usually never be dancing in the middle of a club but to see how cute iris looked enjoying herself with him, hed have done anything.

"i like you so much." she whispered to him, her hand wrapping around the back of his neck as she stood on her tip toes.

"i like you more." he said back and she shook her head. she felt him push his hands under her armpits and lift her up, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist as she continued to sway whilst leading them out of the crowd. "you need some water."

a/n sorry this was kinda bad im trying to slow it down a little because i feel like theyre moving too fast.

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