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iris and talia walked into the studio and immediately saw a bunch of other female youtubers in the waiting part

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iris and talia walked into the studio and immediately saw a bunch of other female youtubers in the waiting part. as talia left her sisters side, eager to say hi to everyone, iris hung back feeling shy. she didnt know a lot of other youtubers but thankfully her sister was there to introduce her.

"iris come here!" talia called and iris smiled before making her way over to her sister. talia introduced her sister to many many girls and iris and her sisters floated between groups before it was talias turn to go in the room.

"imagine if you say no to harry." a girl that iris had been introduced to as emily said to iris and the girls all laughed.

"well if he wants a yes hell have to impress me." she laughs with the girls but she knew she was serious. she knew the fans would be waiting for her to say yes to harry so if she was going to hed have to earn it.

it was now iris' turn to go in and do the tinder.

iris walked up to the spot as all the boys cheered her, shouting and whistling. she instantly felt a lot calmer  as she felt the boys giggly energy.

"just stand on the spot and introduce yourself to the camera." vik tells her and she nods with a smile.

"hi im iris im 24 and im from london." she introduced herself and the boys all smiled excitedly at her. "stop looking at me like that youre making me nervous." everybody laughs at her as simon steps forward.

"im simon and im dating your sister." he says with a smirk and everyone laughs.

"it would be kinda awkward at christmas." she says whilst swiping to no and he nods in agreement before moving.

"hi im vik and if you swipe right ill shout out your youtube channel." he says with a hopeful smile and she bursts out laughing.

"definitely." she points right as all of the boys laugh.

"hi im ethan and i have a big cock." he smirks and she instantly shakes her head no as the boys all burst out laughing.

"no." she tells him and he laughs turning to harry.

"no wonder she likes you lad." he says and the boys all laugh again as harry fakes hurt before muttering something about the size of an iphone.

"so im jj and im obviously rich." he says with a smirk and she shrugs.

"do you know what yeah." she swipes right. "everyone keeps calling me a gold digger anyway." the room erupts into laughter and she joins in, completely forgetting that she was even nervous.

thats until harry stepped forward.

"uh hi im harry." he smiled awkwardly and she nodded. "did you just come out of the oven?" he asks, a hopeful smile on his face whilst everyone else stares at him confused.

"um?" iris mumbles back, confused on what shes supposed to reply.

"because youre hot." he smirks at her and she giggles whilst the boys hurl abuse at him.

"aw come on man!" jj sighs and simon laughs.

"that was so cringe but it was kinda cute i guess." iris shrugs. "but it could have been better." she points to the left and harry throws his arms in the air.

"awe come on!" he sighs, walking to the boys on the left.

iris stood playing around on her phone as she waited for talia who was with simon. harry stared at the girl from across the room for a moment before deciding to go over.

"you were gone when i woke up." she said to him and he nodded.

"when i heard talia come i just assumed i should go." he fumbled with his hands nervously. he was never like this around her but he knew hed messed up.

"did she see you leave?" she asked tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. watching her do even such a small thing made him get a feeling in his tummy he could only describe as butterflies.

"er no i waited until she was in bed then i snuck out." he said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck and she nodded. "what are you doing today then?" he asks and she shrugs.

"probably just gonna go back home." she tells him and he nods before sighing.

"why dont you come to mine?" he asks and she bites her lip. "please i miss you."

"harry i just dont get it." she tells him, lowering her voice as shes reminded by a chorus of laughs that the boys were in the room. "we do all this stuff and then the next day you go out and get surrounded by girls. i get it you can do whatever you want but it just confuses me-"

"come to mine and well talk properly?" he asks and she nods.


"im glad were sorted." harry tells her, pressing a kiss to her forehead as she cuddles into his side and she nods.

"me too." she hugs into him tighter. "i missed you so much."

harry pulls her onto his lap, kissing her lips gently as he looks up at her with a cute smile. "i missed you more baby." he tells hee squeezing her ass making her laugh.

she pushes her lips against his again and he deepens the kiss, gripping her hips. he pushes her down against him, already feeling himself grow hard and she smirks into the kiss letting out a laugh.

"you really missed me." she teased him and he groaned, grabbing her neck and pulling her lips back against his roughly. she trailed her lips down his neck sucking and biting at certain places before finding a sweet spot that caused him to moan out.

she pulls at his shirt, urging him to remove it. "take it off." she whines and he does so, chuckling at her before she rolls her eyes and goes back to kissing his neck, this time going further down.

she lets her hands run down his body before slipping behind the waist band of his joggers.

an hii thank u sm for 1.13k !! i appreciate it sm <3 also i have a new harry fanfic called 'friends' that im really excited about so feel free to go and read that if you want !!

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