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iris and talia climbed into the uber next to freya and gee as it set off toward the direction of the club. it was the girls idea to go to a club after she had told them what had happened. it was also their idea for her to completely ignore harry all day and night which he was definitely not happy with. he had been texting her all day despite getting no response. especially when he had realised that shed seen him on gibs story.

once the girls arrived in the club talia insisted that they all got pictures, telling iris to post one to 'show harry what hes missing'. so they did just that. iris quickly edited her favourites before posting it.

liked by taliamar, ksi and 27,379 others irismar girls night :)

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liked by taliamar, ksi and 27,379 others
irismar girls night :)

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taliamar unreal !!!

fan1 so pretty
geenelson marry me

fan2 can you film with harry

freyanightingale STUNNING

fan3 why isnt harry there

calfreezy bet. text me which club?
irismar no <3
calfreezy i wont bring bog
irismar check ur texts x

fan4 what happened with harry

iris locked her phone after commenting back to cal. she wasnt going to text him, she just wanted to annoy harry and it definitely worked as as soon she commented it he begun to text her. though before she could even start to think about replying freya came over holding a tray of shots.

"come on girls get them down you!" she said and all four of the girls cheered.

iris was at the bar waiting for the drinks shed ordered when a man stood next to her. he smiled at her and she returned it politely before looking away.

"whats your name?" he asked her and she rolled her eyes before turning to face him again.

"iris." she told him bluntly, hoping hed notice she wasnt interested and leave her alone.

"pretty name for a pretty girl." he smirked and she internally cringed. "whatre you doing here alone?" he asked, leaning his arm on the bar.

"im not alone my friends are at our table." she told him and he nodded.

"so no boyfriend then?" he asked and she shook her head.

"yeah i have a boyfriend." she lied.

"i dont see one." he told her and before she could protest the drinks were placed next to her.

"i best go back to my friends." she told him, spinning to walk away but not before he called back a "see you soon darling." causing her to wince. she hoped not.

it was a lot later in the night now and iris and the rest of the girls were now very much so wasted.

"talia you know if i didnt have josh id be all over you." freya said, wrapping her arms around talias neck and placing a kiss to her cheek.

"youre all over me now frey!" talia slurred with a laugh and gee almost fell over whilst laughing at talia wipe the saliva from her cheek.

iris watched as talia lead them all down the street and to a takeaway.

"everyone down for some cheesy chips?" gee asks and the girls all nod as they lean against the shop window as the inside was way too packed.

"you had a good night?" freya asked with a sweet smile as iris played on her phone, her finger dancing over harrys contact.

"yeah i love you all." she told her honestly. she was so so grateful for her friends and how hard they had tried to make her forget about harry.

however, it didnt work and after she had finished talking she clicked harrys contact and begun texting him.

to : harry <3
i miss u

from : harry <3
are you okay?
where are you?

to : harry <3
i dont jnow
will you cone get me

from : harry <3
send me your location

to : harry <3

from : harry <3
im on my way stay there

to : harry <3
okay i miss you
ill stay here

from : harry <3
good girl
ill be 10 minutes

harry pulled up by the takeaway and iris slowly slipped away from her friends, telling them she had ordered an uber. she did have to convince them to get their own though as they tried to join her.

as she walked down the street towards harrys car, stumbling as she did she saw the man from the bar.

"you okay darling?" he asked, trying to catch up with her but she quickly picked up her pace and ignored him as she saw harrys car down the street. "dont ignore me!" he called back.

"who the fuck is that?" harry asked, walking around his car and towards her.

"a guy that was talking to me in the club just ignore him." she said, grabbing his arm to spin him back in the direction of his car.

"so thats the boyfriend?" the man asked after he had caught up and harry smirked.

"yeah and who the fuck are you?" he called back and iris' eyes widened. she hadnt ever heard harry talk like that.

"nothing to do with you." he replied and before harry could start arguing or even worse, fighting, iris tugged on the sleeve of his hoodie.

"can we go please." she asked, not bothering to look back at the man and harry nodded.

harry completely ignore the man's words as he put her into his passenger seat and closed the door.

"shes a slag anyway." the prick said, turning to walk away after finally giving up. but harry was not having that so he ran up to the man and swung his fist at the side of his face knocking him over.

"youre an ugly prick." he spat down at the man before getting into his car before the man could fight back.

"harry what the hell are you okay?" iris asked as harry drove away.

"im fine hes just a cunt." he told her, his hands gripping the wheel angrily. "are you okay?"

"im fine." she told him, watching as the light illuminated his face every time they drove under it.

"i hate pricks like that!" he grunts out and she nods in agreement, not wanting to say anything. "was he following you all night or just then?"

"he came up to me at the bar in the club but other than that i didnt see him until then." she explains and he rolls his eyes imagining him trying to talk to her.

"and thats when you told him i was your boyfriend?" he asked, a small smirk on his face as he did so.

"i never said you were my boyfriend." she says bluntly. "i just said i had a boyfriend so when he saw us he assumed it was you."

"are you coming to mine?" he asks and she shrugs.

"i dont know i think i wanna go home." she tells him and his smile falls making her heart drop. "you can stay though if you like."

"are you sure?" he asks, trying to hide his excitement.

"yeah but hide your car from talia or shell key it." she tells him honestly and he laughs. "no im serious."


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