Part 4

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'...' Telepathy

'...' Thoughts

"..." Talking


~Ambrosine's POV~

I could feel Athy trembling beside me, probably thinking the same thing as me.

"You look like that wench," Claude spoke again.

'Wait, since our mother was pretty as hell, then if we look like her that means we are beautiful so in short, the psycho is complementing us Athy" I told Athy through telepathy, she just squeezed my hand with all her strength which made me wince in pain.

"Then again it doesn't matter who they came from." Claude continued while slowly bringing his hands towards my face, making the cute red-haired guard behind him call out to Claude but Claude just ignored him and touched my chin with his index finger.

"And I think I remember what that wench named you two" He said, "I believe it was Athanasia and Ambrosine" I flinched when I heard my name and I think Athy was about to have a heart attack.

"Back then you two were tiny bugs that couldn't even lift their heads" Claude kept on speaking, "You two have grown a lot" he kneeled down in front of me.

'Athy please help me, I'm about to piss my pants here!' I beg Athy in my mind while clutching the bag of riches that I had tighter, 'You always say that you went through such hard training that nothing manages to scare you so where's all your courage now?' Athy used my words against me, 'I don't have my past body so all the fighting skills I have are useless  and the psycho can crush this small body with his bare hands' I argue with Athy but she just pinches my hand indicating me to shut up but me being me, I didn't.

'Why is he even talking to us? He is supposed to ignore us, so what's with all the attention?' I continue bombarding Athy with questions but she blocked me out of her mind.

A few painfully slow seconds went by before Athy dropped the other bag she was holding, spilling it's contents and making everyone look at it.

One red jewel rolled and stopped in front of Claude's feet and that bastard just crushed it, 'Dude that shit is hella expensive! Don't just step on it like it's the most common thing in the world!' I scream in my mind, resisting the urge to just kick him in the nuts and spit in his face.

I was so busy with my thoughts that I didn't even notice it when Claude lifted me off the ground but when I did, believe me, it took all my energy to not cry then and there.

"You're too light for your age, do you not eat much?" Claude asked me, 'Wtf is he doing right now?' I try to figure out why the hell does this psychopath who only loves Jennette asking me such things.

He tossed me to the guard without waiting for my answer and then went to pick up Athy, "You're heavy, you have really chubby cheeks but I didn't expect you to be this heavy" Claude told to Athy who looked like she wanted to beat the living hell out of him but I guess chose not to test her luck.

"PFFTT" I buried my head in the guard's chest in an attempt to stop myself from laughing out loud and making the psycho mad. The guard patted my back, probably thinking that I'm crying from fear since I was trembling but boy was he wrong.

"Now, what were you two doing in my palace?" The fuck did he just say? Never knew that the psycho could joke, I mean this palace is so much more humble than the ruby palace, shouldn't the emperor's palace be made of gold and diamond?

I didn't dare to open my eyes or turn my head away from the guard because if I did then maybe the psycho will get disturbed and execute me for it.

"Maybe she thought it was a toy," the guard spoke up out of nowhere making me flinch but I quickly put my stoic face on because there is no way in hell that I will let this cute and hot guard  know that I am scared shitless by the emperor even though he already knows it.

(WMMAP) Ambrosine de Alger ObeliaWhere stories live. Discover now