Part 13

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'...' Telepathy

'...' Thoughts

"..." Talking


~Ambrosine's POV~

"I guess next time I should carry both of the Princesses after all?" Felix suggested once we were all seated down on the table in the garden of the main palace, Claude glared at Felix and was saying something but I wasn't paying attention because of a weird feeling telling me that something is wrong, 'Why do I feel like something terrible is about to happen to someone close to me?' I wonder and look at Athy as she is one of the few people that I actually like.

Athy put her hand over her heart and I stared at her, not even a few seconds later, she coughed up blood, "ATHY!" I scream, grasping Athy's shoulders, she looks up at me before closing her eyes and slowly tilting in the opposite direction. I quickly pull her close to me, her blood staining my clothes, I looked at Felix and Claude to see them staring at the scene with wide eyes. Felix was the first to react and quickly scooped Athy from my arms and started running towards the main palace.

Not even second later, Claude screamed at Felix to take Athy to his bedroom before getting up and starting to leave but he quickly turned back and picked me up and started marching towards the main palace as well.

Once we were in his bedroom, Felix laid Athy down on the bed and Claude set me beside her before ordering Felix to bring in the best healers and wizards there are. I just stared at my twin who was laying there like a lifeless doll with a stream of blood on the side of her face.

Countless wizards and healers came and went but no one was able to fix her and they all got sent to the dungeon by Claude. It's been a day and I didn't leave Athy's side, I didn't eat or sleep, I just stared at the people who came and went with hopeful eyes but they all failed.

"Your Highness, please let me take you back to clean you up," Lily pleaded me with sad eyes, "But Athy," I mumbled, not finishing my sentence, "Her Highness will be okay, and when she wakes up, I don't think she would be happy to see her sister in such a state," she told me, I finally gave in and nodded. Lily picked me up from my spot on Claude's bed and started walking towards the door. I gave Athy one last glance before the door closed.

On our way out of the main palace, we met Claude in the hallways, Lily bowed her head while I just stared at him and he stared back, I gave him a fake cheerful grin just to lighten up my own mood and he just turned around and continued to his journey to wherever he was going.

Once we were inside Athy and my bedroom in the ruby palace, Lily gave me a shower and prepared a meal for me, she brought it up to the room and fed it to me, 'She's acting like a mother who is taking care of her sick child,' I smiled at the thought. Even though my mother never acted like this towards me, I saw my cousin's mother take care of him in a similar way when he had a fever.


It's been a few days since Athy went into a coma, I only left her side when it was absolutely necessary, other than that, I would always stay beside her. I was reading an encyclopedia when I heard my twin's voice in my head making me jolt up, 'Ow' Athy groaned, "ATHY!" I exclaim making Felix rush into the room.

"YOUR MAJESTY, THE PRINCESS HAS AWOKEN!" He yelled when he got close to Athy, "Princess, can you see me? Do you know who I am?" Felix bombarded Athy with questions but the latter only looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Waa" Athy started, "WAAAAA!" She started crying and turned around, her back facing me. 'I'm dying here! It feels like my insides are on fire! Amy help me!' Athy pleaded through mind link, "What should we do Your Majesty?" Felix asked Claude who was witnessing the whole thing.

Claude turned to the magician who tried to fix Athy a while ago and said something to him that I didn't quite catch because I was too busy with my twin, "Are you okay? How bad is the pain? Do you need anything? Water? Chocolate? Do you want some cold milk?" I keep on asking questions but Athy just looks at me and keeps crying.

I look in Claude's direction and saw him send the magician to the dungeon before he turned around and walked towards the sniffling Athy. "It hurts, Daddy it hurts," Athy cried, Claude just stared at her for a few seconds before reaching his hand out and placing it over her head, "You're too noisy, go to sleep," he said, I looked at Athy and saw her eyes close shut and her breathing became calmer, "Papa?" I asked, looking at Claude, "I just put her to sleep, no need to cry a river," Claude said, reaching his hand out and wiping a tear that had fell without me knowing.


Sorry if this chapter is short, my dumbass fell down two flights of stairs and I sprained my ankle so now I'm bedridden and need something to entertain me so I'm writing this but I am tired at the same time from pulling two all-nighters in a row. Sorry again and I will try to get the next chapter up as soon as possible.

Please vote, I made a bet with one of my siblings and I need to get 300 votes in under a week or he will get to spend all the money I have been saving for the past year.



(WMMAP) Ambrosine de Alger ObeliaWhere stories live. Discover now