Part 1

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~Elliot / Ambrosine's POV~

"So how are your lessons going Edward, Elliot?" Dad asks us during lunch, "My tutor said that I have exceeded him in terms of knowledge, isn't that great father?" My elder brother, Edward, answers first with a proud smile on his face.

"I suppose it is." Dad agrees making Edwards eyes sparkle with joy as it is almost impossible to receive our father's praise, "What about you Elliot?" He turns to me, "Mr. Roberts will be resigning soon as he has nothing else to teach me" I say monotonously, "And what about your combat skills?"

"I have defeated Sir Crain three times in a row and tomorrow he will be teaching me my final lessons before he resigns as well," I answer him with zero enthusiasm, "I have managed to defeat Sir Ryan once but he says that I still have some ways to go so he won't be teaching me anything new anytime soon" Edward answered in a small voice.

"It seems like Elliot may become the next owner unless you can get on her level before your time comes to an end, Edward" Dad told him in a cold tone. I could feel Edward glaring at me after hearing this. 'Oh dear brother of mine, trust me when I say I don't want to be the next owner, I would gladly give it up for you but you know Dad will never let me do that' I thought while elegantly eating some gooseberries with my head down.

~Time skip~

'Oh dear bed, how much I missed thou' I thought, happy that I can finally rest but little did I know that someone else was in the room waiting for me to fall asleep.

~Third POV~

As the black haired girl was drifting off to sleep, her brother was in a dark corner of her room waiting for the perfect timing to kill his sibling. He was sick and tired of her always getting praised by everyone whereas he was always looked down on. It just didn't seem fair to him, he was the older one so he was the rightful heir to the company but their father just had to make him compete against his sister.

A few minutes went by and he finally heard her soft snores. He slowly approached her with his gun in his right hand. When he reached his sister's bed he slowly raised his arm and aimed his gun right where her heart is.

He waited for a few moments and then he finally pulled the trigger, making a loud noise erupt throughout the entire mansion. The boy had already given everyone in the mansion sleeping pills so that no one would interrupt in his business.

The girl immediately woke up and started gasping in pain. Her eyes snapped towards her murderer and what she saw made tears roll down her eyes.

"E-Eddi-ie" she managed to call her brother's nickname through all the pain, "I don't need a sibling who will just shatter my dreams so it's better if you don't even exist anymore." Her brother's words made her sadder if that was even possible.

"Id-diot, my d-dream was to li-ive a *cough* norma-al life *cough* I was gonna ru-un away in a we-week with all m-my *cough* savings and cha-change my whole appe-appearance and live li-like a normal girl," the girl spoke her final words and slowly closed her eyes, falling asleep forever.

His sister's last words, however, had no effect on him. He just quickly got rid of any evidence that he was here and rearranged everything to make it seem like an assassin killed the girl and then went back to his room to sleep like nothing ever happened.

(WMMAP) Ambrosine de Alger ObeliaWhere stories live. Discover now