Part 19

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'...' Telepathy

'...' Thoughts

"..." Talking


~A few years later~

~Third POV~

"HOW DO YOU STOP THIS THING?!" A teenage boy with long black hair styled into a loose braid with red eyes and piercings yelled while struggling to control the horse he was riding.

"JUST PULL THE REINS! WHAT'S SO HARD ABOUT THAT?!" A teenage girl with short platinum blonde hair tied into a short ponytail with jeweled cerulean eyes screamed, running after the boy in an attempt to catch up to him.

The boy did as he was told, making the horse come to an abrupt halt and the boy being thrown of the saddle and hitting the hard ground. After the girl finally caught up to the boy who was still on the ground, she kicked him in the stomach before helping him up.

~Ambrosine's POV~

"Are you alright Gale?" I asked the white horse named Gale that was gifted to me by Claude on my ninth birthday along with an ebony one named Storm. "HEY! I'm the one who fell on the ground and you are asking that thing if it's alright?" Chris grimaced. "Well if you knew how to mount a horse then I wouldn't have to chase you all the way from the stables to the emerald palace and you wouldn't fall off, also Gale is not a thing, he's a horse," I spat at him.

"Whatever, it's time for your ethics class, isn't it?" Chris pulled out the pocket watch he always keeps, "I know, I know. Go back to the stables and sleep Gale," I patted said horse's head and he galloped off in the direction of the stables. "I still don't get how your horses understand what you say," Chris had an amused smirk on his face, "I spent almost five years with the both of them, what kind of bond would we have if one did not understand what the other wants to say?" I started walking towards the gates of the emerald palace with Chris following me and murmuring something to himself that I didn't catch as he was like twelve steps away from me.

When we reached the room where Madame Pompidou is waiting for me and Athy, we split up as Chris doesn't have to attend classes with me. When I entered the room, Athy and Madame were already waiting for me.


"Dad!/Daddy!" Athy and I ran towards Claude and kissed his cheeks, "I missed you today!" We exclaimed together, "I told you two not to run," Claude sighed out.

Athy was wearing an off-shoulder red dress with white designs along with grey leggings and red shoes, her hair was tied into a high ponytail with a red ribbon and there was a blue ribbon tied around her neck as a choker. I was wearing a sleeveless white shirt with red trousers and a red coat that I tied around my waist, my short wavy hair was left open and there were bandages on both of my lower arms, covering the scars I got while playing and sparring.

All three of us sat down at the table to eat and Athy started talking about how she likes ethics class and that Madame Pompidou complements us a lot, "Don't you like ethics class too, Amy?" Athy turned to me, "Nah," I just simply answered and went back to eating. "Why don't you?" Claude asked, "Dancing makes me feel dizzy and nauseous," I answered.

Claude just nods while Athy stared at me, "But you seemed fine to me," Athy said, "You were too busy trying not to mess up your steps to even notice my presence," I gave Athy a sideways glance, "HEY!" She snapped, "Does the truth hurt?" I tilted my head mockingly. "That's not the truth!" Athy pointed a finger at me, "Whatever floats your boat," I smirk before going back to the food in front of me.

Athy glared at me for a good four minutes before giving up. After a few minutes of silence, Claude leaned forward in his seat and stretched his hand towards me, or more specifically, my hair. He grabbed one of my wavy strands and pulled it, making it straighten and display its original length which was a bit past my shoulders, Claude furrowed his eyebrows before returning back to his original posture. "Your hair is too long, cut it," Claude ordered before casually sipping his tea.

'Dude it's just a little past my shoulders, no need to be so overprotective,' I mentally grimace but nod my head. The reason why Claude never let's my hair grow past my shoulders is because of an incident that happened a few days after my eleventh birthday. I didn't cut my hair for three years and my hair grew quite quickly so it was pretty long, if I went bald then in a year, my hair will grow past my shoulders, surprising I know. Anyway, it was a hot summer night and my hair was literally stuck to my body like glue and acted as an extra blanket but being covered by two blankets in summer isn't a good thing. I was sweating like crazy and it was pretty hot and me being sensitive to heat, got a heat stroke in the middle of the night and went into a coma.

As per Lily's explanation, I was unconscious for a whole month and the royal doctor told them I had a heat stroke. And he also told them that as I was sensitive to heat, I should wear light clothing and keep my hair short and since then, Claude never let me grow my hair at all or let me wear heavy clothing unless it was winter as I would freeze to death if I wore a light clothing and went out in the snow.

Back to the present, I glanced at Athy and saw her eyeing my steak, 'Like hell I'm gonna let you take it,' I grabbed my plate and removed it from its spot on the table and at the same time Athy's fork stabbed the table. "Don't be so greedy," I say and move my chair beside Claude and sat down so that Athy can't reach my plate without leaning forward. "Don't be so stingy," Athy pouted, "Athy say aaahh," I cut off a piece from my steak and held it in front of Athy's mouth and as soon as she was about to eat it, I retracted my hand and ate it instead, smirking at Athy's dumbfounded face. "You're so cruel!" Athy huffed and grumpily resumed eating her own food which was the same as mine, "And you're too greedy," I went back to my food as well.

(WMMAP) Ambrosine de Alger ObeliaWhere stories live. Discover now