Part 17

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'...' Telepathy

'...' Thoughts

"..." Talking


~Ambrosine's POV~

"Let's go to that tree again, okay?" I ask Chris, who just got dropped off at the palace, "Sure. Why don't we make it our regular spot?" He suggested, "That's a great idea, now let's go to our regular spot!" I exclaim.

"WAIT!" I stop in the middle of the way, "What do you like to eat?" I ask Chris, "Hm? I like chocolate biscuits," he answered, "Okie dokie! You go on, I'll be there," I said and took off in the opposite direction. I went inside the emerald palace and burst into the kitchen, shocking everyone present, "Can you guys pack two baskets of chocolate biscuits and gooseberries? Along with four bottles milk and one bottle of water in each?" I ask and since I'm the princess, they had to obey. In a few minutes, a maid was standing in front of me with two expensive looking picnic baskets in her hands, "Where do you wish for me to take them Your Highness?" She asked, "Follow me," I say and run out of the palace, the maid following suit.

After running for about fifteen minutes, we finally reached the tree and I climbed the tree before asking for the maid to hand me the baskets, she did as she was told and left. I place the baskets on the branch that Chris and I was sitting on, it was pretty thick so the chances of the baskets falling off were pretty low. I opened one of the baskets and it contained chocolate biscuits along with four bottles of milk and one bottle of water, I handed it to Chris and opened the other one and found my beloved gooseberries along with the same drinks.

Chris stared at the contents in his basket for a minute before lifting his head to look at me and talking, "You didn't have to do this, you know," "Of course I did, yesterday we were so hungry and thirsty and I don't like being hungry and thirsty, do you?" I reply and in response to my question, Chris just shook his head and started eating and I followed suit.

After an hour of eating and talking, it suddenly started raining, Chris and I grabbed the half empty baskets and jumped down from the tree and started to run towards the emerald palace. But even before we could reach it, it started raining cats and dogs and both of us were drenched within seconds. "We're definitely gonna catch a cold," I say, running full speed and Chris just hums.

By the time we reached the emerald palace, Chris and I were dripping wet, we looked like we took a shower with our clothes on. Lily and Ces immediately ran towards us with towels, 'Were they waiting for us?' I wonder. When the two maids reached us, Lily wrapped one towel around my body while drying my hair with another and Ces did the same to Chris. "Your Highness, Sir Christian, please don't be so reckless. You two could get a fever," Lily scolded us.

"Kegh!" I coughed a bit and Lily stopped drying my hair almost immediately, "Your Highness... it seems that you have got a mild fever," she said, touching my forehead with her hand, she did the same thing to Chris and shook her head in disappointment, "Both of you have mild fevers," Lily picked me up and told Ces to carry Chris and follow her and Ces obeyed.

"Ces," Lily called out, "Give Sir Christian a bath," she ordered, I looked at Chris and saw his red face, "Um uh- th-there's no need for th-that, I can take a b-bath myself," Chris flailed, "Sir Christian, you have got a fever and there is no way that I'm letting you or the Princess do anything by yourselves until your fever has gone down," Lily demanded in a stern voice and an angry expression on was on her face, seeing that he had no chance of winning the argument, Chris just sighed and followed Ces to one of the many bathrooms while I was taken to another one.


Here we are right now, in front of the fireplace, wrapped in warm blankets and drinking hot milk, our fever has gone down a bit but it's still there and my head is throbbing right now. It's almost evening now, Chris and I were forced to sit here by Lily. Chris' brother already came to pick him up but Lily told him that Chris will be staying here for tonight and I'm surprised that Claude agreed to it.

"So... what do you wanna do now?" I ask, breaking the awkward silence, "Hmm.... how about I tell you a scary story that my brother told me?" Chris suggested, "That would be cool," I answer and take another sip of my drink. Chris started his story and I just listened, after he finished, I started telling a scary story that I read about in my past life.

Half an hour passed by like this and honestly, both of us were scared shitless and we were alone in the living room so we kept glancing around every two minutes to see if there was a ghost or not and we saw nothing. Another half an hour later, the door creaked open and both of our heads snapped towards it, expecting to see a headless person but instead, it was Claude de Alger Obelia himself.

He walked in and stood directly in front of me, he glanced at Chris who had his head bowed before focusing on me again. Claude put his hand on my forehead and kept it there for a few seconds. "Be more careful next time," was the only thing he said before leaving, "Huh?" I stared at the place that he was standing on a few seconds ago before looking at Chris who was already looking at me. "Well that happened..." I mumble before leaning back and rubbing my throbbing forehead.

(WMMAP) Ambrosine de Alger ObeliaWhere stories live. Discover now