Part 22

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'...' Telepathy

'...' Thoughts

"..." Talking


~Ambrosine's POV~

'I'm bored,' I huffed in annoyance while staring out the window. Chris' birthday is tomorrow and everything is ready so I don't have anything left to do. I closed my eyes and leaned back in my armchair, 'I really wanna get teleported to a flower field right now,' I wished.

I felt a strong gust of wind, which was strange as the window was closed, I opened my eyes and what welcomed me was not the familiar walls of the Emerald palace but a fucking flower field. I immediately stood up from my position on the ground and assessed my surroundings.

Everywhere I looked, there were just flowers and flowers. Cosmoses, roses, tulips, daffodils, bluebells, daisies and a dozen more. In the distance, I could see the silhouettes of mountains telling me that I was no longer in the Imperial Capital or even near it. I cautiously started walking in a random direction, in hopes of finding someone or something that could tell me where I was.

I kept walking for what seemed like half an hour before I heard something in my mind, 'Amy?' Athy's voice was heard. 'I completely forgot that I can talk telepathically,' I facepalmed before answering, 'Athy?' I question, 'Oh my god Amy! Where in the world are you? Everyone's going crazy trying to look for you!' She yelled.

'Honestly, I have no idea where the fuck I am, I've been walking through this flower field for the past half an hour but I still can't find anything that can tell me where I am. The only thing I know is that I'm far from the Imperial Capital judging by the mountains,' I answer.

It was quiet for a few seconds before Athy answered again,  'Go near the mountains, maybe you can find someone who lives there and in the meantime, I will go tell Daddy what you told me, got that?' She instructed, 'Yep,' I answer before running full speed towards the mountains.

Turns out Athy was right, there was a little house at the foot of the mountains. I put my hand in my pocket to make sure that I had my switchblade with me and thankfully I did, I slowly walked towards the entrance and knocked on it. The door was opened by an old lady, she smiled at me before opening her mouth, "Hello young lady, how may I help you?" She was speaking in Japanese, fucking Japanese. I don't know how I understood what she was saying but who cares.

"Um I was wondering where this is," I answered her in Obelian, making her widen her eyes, "This is Zeldia, darling," 'Wait a damn minute, Zeldia and Obelia are on opposite sides of the world, so that means that I magically teleported to the other side of the world,' now it was my turn to widen my eyes.

"W-what?" I blurted out, the old lady tilted her head in a questioning manner. "U-um thank you for telling me," I bow before running away in the opposite direction which was back to the flower field.

'Athanasia,' I call out in my mind, 'Amy, Daddy has sent out people to search for you don't worry,' she answered, 'HOW CAN I NOT WORRY WHEN I'M LITERALLY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD?!' I scream at her, 'What do you mean the other side of the world?' Athy's tone was dead serious, 'I MEAN THAT I'M IN FUCKING ZELDIA YOU IDIOT!' I stop running and sit down out of exhaustion. 'HOW THE HELL DID YOU GO TO ZELDIA? You know what just stay where you are and I'll ask Lucas to bring you back,' Athy sounded like she was done with me, I don't know why.

I waited for a minute or so before I felt another gust of wind and boom, I was sitting in front of Claude, Felix, Lily, Athy and Lucas. "Where were you?" Claude asked in an icy tone, "Um didn't Athy tell you?" I asked, looking at Athy who just nodded. "How did you get there?" Was his next question, " I don't know," I answer truthfully, "Your Majesty, it seems that the Princess unintentionally teleported herself to Zeldia," Lucas piped in.

Claude glanced at him before looking back at me and then turning around. "Get changed and then we will have dinner together, you too Athanasia," was all he said before leaving along with Felix and Lucas. Lily came and hugged me before she started nagging about doing such reckless things but I stopped listening half way.


Hey guys, what's up? I'm really sorry for not posting for so long, my exams were going on and on top of that my sister-in-law just gave birth to twins so everyone's really busy and I'm so happy that I'm an aunt, a motherfucking aunt.

Anyways, there will be slow updates until everything settles down so bye.



(WMMAP) Ambrosine de Alger ObeliaWhere stories live. Discover now